Song: Schism (Version 4 tab) Artist: Tool Record: Lateralus Label: Volcano Transcribed by Edward Dawson - all my own work (except corrections). Corrections: Interlude correction by Richard Rosebrook ( Lots of other ones by myself.
THIS IS THE THIRD REVISION (V4 of the tab) Here's another version of the tab, it's almost perfect now (reckon). A lot of people have sent me alternative ways of playing the main bass hammer-on part as they have seen it published in magazines but the notes I use here and the notes used in said magazines are the same, only played in different places on other strings - do what you want; it comes out sounding more or less identical. Hopefully all the gabble I've appended to the various sections makes some sense; email me if you want anything clarified The original tab is included at the bottom. Just like to say thanks to all the people who did email me about this tab, telling me it was good or whether bits were out or not. There were far too many of you to list here. You actually overflowed the HD quota I have on my University's mail server! This tab is primarily for guitar although it has a bit of bass in it also. I felt this was necessary as the guitar and bass interaction is unusually high in this particular piece and it's sometimes hard to tell what's what. Some people have asked me to do a seperate bass tab but alas I don't have a bass to mess around on so I really can't begin to work out some of the parts :/ A little bit of notation before we begin; I use brackets around notes to represent 'ghost' notes - one's that are kinda hinted at rather than played out-right. Also, when I put 'm's underneath a section of tab it means palm mute on that strum. Sometimes there just isnt enough space to put in '[-palm mute-]' or whatever when the going gets intricate! Any comments/corrections, drop me a line: **Guitar and Bass in Dropped-D tuning** **I.e DADGBE and DADG respectively** TO START WITH, THE GUITAR SHOULD HAVE IT'S VOLUME TURNED ALL THE WAY DOWN. This is in preparation for a volume swell in a minute. The guitar's sound should have a medium amount of distortion. Too much will fuzz out the intricacies if some of the guitar parts. I can't really say much about the bass' sound other than it sounds quite thin and guitar-like I guess :) BASS INTRO: (0:00) G|---15----14-/--17-/--19-----15----14-/--17-/-19------- D|---12----15-/--17-/--20-----12----15-/--17-/-19---0--- A|------------------------------------------------------ D|------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Before I had this part tabbed for guitar, if you are playing without a bassist and still want to play this bit, just play what's above but 12 frets down (that's what I had down in version 3 - the previous version - of the tab). MAIN BASS RIFF: (0:13) G|----------------------------------------------12------- D|----12h14h15----14----------12h14h15----14------------- A|------------------------------------------------------- D|-12----------12----12-12-12----------12----12----12-12- You can play the above riff on a guitar too, but base it around open strings, rather than the 12th fret, i.e: E|------------------------------------------------------- B|------------------------------------------------------- G|------------------------------------------------------- D|-----0h2h3-------2-----------0h2h3-------2-----5------- A|------------------------------------------------------- D|-0-----------0------0--0--0-----------0----0------0--0- However, in doing this you will not be able to do the volume swell which takes you into this next part. ACCOMPANYING GUITAR PART: Pluck your low D string gently, then slowly and smoothly turn your volume up prior to playing this next bit which comes in with the drums: On the 4th time through play the last note w/o palm muting (5). (0:26) E|----------------------------------- E|---- B|----------------------------------- B|---- G|---3---2--------------3---2-----5-- x4 G|--2- and let D|----------------------------------- D|--0- ring... A|----------------------------------- A|---- D|----------------------------------- D|---- [_________Palm muted___________] Then this after the bass riff has been played another 4 times... (0:53) E|------- B|--3---- G|---2--- and let ring.... D|---0--- A|------- *Make sure to play the open D and the (2) D|------- on the G with a down stroke. Shortly followed by these two bits after two more times through the bass riff. Again, make sure to play the 2's and 0's with down strokes.... (1:00) E|--3-------------------5------------ B|-----3-------------------3--------- G|--------2-------------------2------ D|--------0-------------------0------ A|----------------------------------- D|----------------------------------- Then play this steady over the top for another 4 times through the bass riff..... (1:07) E|-------------- B|-------------- G|--2--2--2--2-- D|--0--0--0--0-- A|-------------- D|-------------- [Palm mute] GUITAR MIRROR: Now the guitar mirror to the bass riff comes in (hoorah!)... The bass strums a constant open A string to go with this. (1:20) E|------------------------------------- B|------------------------------------- G|-----------------------------------7- D|----7h9h10--9-------7h9h10---9------- x 4 A|-0------------0---0-------------0---- D|------------------------------------- The it's back to this part for a bit: (1:35) E|-------------- B|-------------- G|--2--2--2--2-- The main bass riff plays along with this D|--0--0--0--0-- again... A|-------------- D|-------------- [Palm mute] Then the bass/guitar roles swap again at (2:02); Guitar plays mirror riff and bass plays constant A string. BIG RIFF: Now the 'big fat' riff comes in. Bass plays along with the bass notes of the power chords. (D|-0---3---5-3---3--5-5--) (2:16) E|---------------------------------- B|---------------------------------- G|---------------------------------- x 3 D|-0-XX-3-XX-5-3---3-/-5-5---------- A|-0-XX-3-XX-5-3---3-/-5-5--------5- D|-0-XX-3-XX-5-3---3-/-5-5-0h3h5---- E|---------------------------------- B|---------------------------------- G|---------------------------------- x 1 D|-0-XX-3-XX-5^\3---3-/-5-5---------- A|-0-XX-3-XX-5^\3---3-/-5-5--------5- D|-0-XX-3-XX-5^\3---3-/-5-5-0h3h5---- NOTE: The bend in the fourth time around should not be brought back down again, go straight into the slide after bending the string up. If you want to be precise (and why not!?) the bend is of 1 semi-tone in magnitude. Then main bass riff comes back in again. Wait for the bass to hit the G note played on the D string (5th fret) and as it does, hit this chord at the same time: (2:32) E|----- B|--8-- G|--7-- D|--5-- A|--5-- D|----- Accompanying guitar part then comes back in. Then mirror guitar part comes back in x 4 (3:00). Then the following variation on that guitar part... (3:13) E|--------------------- E|------------------- B|--------------------- B|------------------- G|------------------7-- x 7 G|------------------- D|----7h9h10---9------- D|-----7h9h10---9---- A|--0------------------ A|--0--------------0- D|--------------------- E|------------------- Letting the open A ring (it could actually be on bass, can't really tell!).... Then this guitar part below comes in. The notes with m's below are palm-muted. I suspect that they could actually be on the bass (with an overdrive or something) rather than on guitar (12th fret of A string) but I'm thinking the hollow wishy-washy background noise part the way through is somehow made on the bass? I suspect it has something to do with the bass's tone knob. (3:31) E|-------------------------------------------------------- B|-------------------------------------------------------- G|-------------------------------------------------------- D|-14-----17----14-----19----12----14----10----12--10--12- A|--0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- D|----m-m----m-m---m-m----m-m---m-m---m-m---m-m---m---m--- Played 8 times then a gazoo/echo type effect comes in and plays 4 more times. Then goes back to previous effect for another 4 times. Then this bit comes in: (5:05) E|------------------------------- B|------------------------------- G|------------------------------- D|-14----17----14----17--14--14-- x2 A|--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-- D|----m-m---m-m---m-m---m---m---- Guitar pauses while Bass does this: G|---------------- D|---------------- A|-7h9h10--9--7--- x1 D|---------------- Then guitar comes back in with: E|------------------------------- B|------------------------------- G|------------------------------- D|-14----17----14----17--14--14-- x2 A|--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-- D|----m-m---m-m---m-m---m---m---- Gradually gets louder and builds up to.... (5:21) E|----------------------------- E|--------- B|----------------------------- B|--------- G|-------------------------(7)- G|--------- D|--7--7----5--5--/12-12----7-- D|--------- x 4 A|--5--5----3--3--/10-10----0-- A|-0-0-0-0- (a total of D|--------------------------0-- D|--------- 16 strums). E|----------------------------- E|--------- B|----------------------------- B|--------- G|-------------------------(7)- G|--------- D|--7--7----5--5--/12-12----7-- D|--------- x 4 A|--5--5----3--3--/10-10----0-- A|-0-0-0-0- D|--------------------------0-- D|--------- E|---------------------------------------------- B|---------------------------------------------- G|---------------------------------------------- D|--7--7----5--5--/12-12----0--7-7-8-7-7-7-8-7-- A|--5--5----3--3--/10-10----0--5-5-6-5-5-5-6-5-- D|----------3--3------------0----------------0-- E|------------------------------ B|------------------------------ G|------------------------------ D|--7--7----5--5--/12-12-------- .... A|--5--5----3--3--/10-10----0--- D|--5--5--------------------0-0- (5:44) E|----------------------------------- B|----------------------------------- G|----------------------------------- x 3 D|-0--------------------------------- A|------5------5-------3-3/5--0------ D|----7---0--5----0--3--------0---0-- E|------------------ B|------------------ G|------------------ D|-0---------------- A|------5------5---- D|----7---0--5---0-- (5:59) E|---------------------------- B|---------------------------- G|---------------------------- x 3 D|--3-0-2-0-0-3-0-2-0-5-0-0--- A|--3-0-2-0-0-3-0-2-0-5-0-0--- D|--3-0-2-0-0-3-0-2-0-5-0-0--- [_____Palm Muted______] E|---------------------------- B|---------------------------- G|---------------------------- D|--3-0-2-0-0-3-0-2-0-5------- A|--3-0-2-0-0-3-0-2-0-5-0000-- D|--3-0-2-0-0-3-0-2-0-5-0000-- [_____Palm Muted_______] Again, for the next bit, 'm' means palm-mute. E|------------------------------- B|--6----5------6----5----8------ x 3 G|--5----4------5----4----7------ D|--3----2------3----2----5------ A|--3-xx-2-xxxx-3-xx-2-xx-5-xxxx- D|----00---0000---00---00---0000- mm mmmm mm mm mmmm E|-------------------------- B|--6----5------6----5----8- x 1 G|--5----4------5----4----7- D|--3----2------3----2----5- A|--3-xx-2-xxxx-3-xx-2-xx-5- D|----00---0000---00---00--- mm mmmm mm mm Then the outro riff: E|-------------------------------------- B|-------------------------------------- G|-------------------------------------- D|-------------------------------------- x8 A|-(0)-0-3-5----(0)-0-3-6-------(0)3-3-- D|--0--0-0-0-----0--0-0-0--------0-3(3)- [____________Palm Muted______________] Whilst the bass does this G|------------------------------------ D|------------------------------------ A|------------------------------------ x8 D|--0--0-0-0-----0--0-0-0--------0---- Ok, well that's it. My emails if you have any gripes about it - I'm sure you will! :) Edd
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Schism by Tool