Tuning: Standard Albert's Part - Intro/Verses (Two times in the intro. Four times in verse 1. Two times in verse 2.) This is correct, watch it live, or listen closely to the studio track. e|5-7------5-7-----9-7-----7-5-----------------------------------------------| B|5-5------7-7-----7-7-----5-5-----------------------------------------------| G|6-6------7-7-----7-7-----6-6-----------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| Albert's Part - Chorus (Four times each chorus.) The notes in the parentheses can be played but don't have to be. It will sound fuller with them. e|-9-12--9\---7-10-7\---5-9-5----------5-------------5---------------------------| B|10----10\---9----9\---7---7----------7-------------5---------------------------| G|(9)---(9)--(9)--(9)--(6)-(6)---------7-------------6---------------------------| D|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
Play this E for the "I ain't wastin' no more time" after the first chorus. E e|--7--| B|--9--| G|--9--| D|--9--| A|--7--| E|-----| Play this E after the second chorus, right before the song ends. E e|--0--| B|--0--| G|--1--| D|--2--| A|--2--| E|--0--| End on this A. A e|--0--| B|--2--| G|--2--| D|--2--| A|--0--| E|--0--| Nick's Part - Intro/Verses (Come in after Albert's intro part is played once. Play until chorus.) Strum: Up Down Up Down -- Listen to the song to get an idea of how it goes. A D A e|--55555555------------------------55555555--| B|--55555555----7777777777777777----55555555--| G|--66666666----7777777777777777----66666666--| D|--77777777----7777777777777777----77777777--| A|--77777777----5555555555555555----77777777--| E|--------------------------------------------| Nick's Part - Chorus (Three times each chorus) Strum: Up Down Up Down -- Listen to the song to get an idea of how it goes. It's the same as above. A C#m F#m F#m7 D A e|-5-------------------------------5----| B|-5------9----10-----10-----7-----5----| G|-6------9----11------9-----7-----6----| D|-7------9----11-----11-----7-----7----| A|-7-----11-----9------9-----5-----7----| E|--------------------------------------| The F#m7 is quick, and is played with the bass as a transition to the D. Nick's Part - Chorus (Played on the fourth line of the first chorus) Strum: Up Down Up Down A C#m F#m F#m7 D A e|-5-------------------------2-----0----| B|-5------9----10-----10-----3-----2----| G|-6------9----11------9-----2-----2----| D|-7------9----11-----11-----0-----2----| A|-7-----11-----9------9-----------0----| E|--------------------------------------| Play this E after both choruses. E e|--7--| B|--9--| G|--9--| D|--9--| A|--7--| E|-----| End on this A. A e|--5--| B|--5--| G|--6--| D|--7--| A|--7--| E|--5--| ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Someday by The Strokes