Song:destin Artist:Scorpions Source:Taken from 'Face The Heat' album Tabbed by Ahmed Hegazy .... here u are the shapes of the chords that we're using in this song EADGBe G#m (466444) F# (244322) E (022100) B (224442) G (355433) A (002220) A bar (577655) C (335553) C# (446664) G# (466544) Bb (113331) F (133211) Eb (668886)
tuck your sleeves & dig out with that Verse: G#m F# E F# do you say a prayer when u ... *repeat this for each verse CHORUS(1): B G A mon destin inscrit en toi *this is for the first chorus only *but the rest of the coming (chorus)s goes like this: Chorus(2): *play twice B G A mon destin .... *& play this once up 1/2 tone .. C G# Bb mon destin ... G Eb F The innocent .... Solo: on G#m F# E F# (same chords for verses) **after the solo repeat chorus(2) once & play chorus(3) untill fade out.. -chorus3 will be ..: *play twice C G# Bb mon destin .... *& play this once C# A bar B mon destin ... PS: this is for acoustic guitar but if u have a friend sit beside u with electric one.. you better make ur friend play these chords with u in the chorus.. (with heavy distortion of course).. X = muted note he'll play B5 (799XXX) while you're playing B G5 (355XXX) .... G A5 (577XXX) .... A C5 (81010XXX) .... C G#5 (466XXX) ..... G# Eb5 (66XXXX) .... Eb Bb5 (688XXX) .... Bb F5 (133XXX) .... F C#5 (91111XXX) .... C# that's all.. -any corrections or suggestions .. mail me at