This song is a little hard for several reasons, specially, because there are too many chords to be just another pop song. But it is already fun if you just get the rhythm. intro C- Ab Eb G chorus theme (do it now! anata ga motteru...) C- Ab Bb Eb F- Bb Eb G Ab verses (saisho no deeto no kaerimichi...) C- Ab Bb Eb
F- G Cm (B Bbsus4 Am7#5) Ab G repeat it but at the end: Ab G Cmsus2 Cm C7 (ga otozuretemo...) F- Bb Eb C- G (7) C- Eb Ab Bb G C- Ab G (sus4) Chorus (Itsumo itsumademo...) C- Ab Bb Eb F- Bb Eb G (sus4) C- Ab Bb Eb F- Bb Eb G (sus4) AbM7 (machigatta tte shou ga nai deshou...) Ab (M7) Bb C- Eb G C- (sus2) C C7 F- Bb C- Eb(M7) Ab Gsus4 G C- repeat verse here comes the modulation B- G D F# B- G E7(9) F#7 G7(#5) repeat Chorus End: C- Ab Every chord is major unless it has the minus sign, then it's minor. -M7 = - Maj7 You can play the song without the chords in parenthesis. Enjoy!