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Misty Mountain Hop   Verse by Led Zeppelin

Misty Mountain Hop Verse tab by Led Zeppelin

Guitar tabs

Led Zeppelin - Misty Mountain Hop


I have never seen the verse part tabbed correctly on any site.
The rest of the song is pretty straight forward.
Most tabs have used single notes for the verse - but if you
listen to a live version, you can really hear the dissonant
chords that Jimmy is playing. They are a bit hidden under
the rhodes keyboard on the studio version. The 3 notes of
a 7th chord really sound interesting used this way.
Note: The chords and lyrics shown are staggared so they would fit

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Misty Mountain Hop Verse tab

Led Zeppelin tabs for Misty mountain hop   verse Misty Mountain Hop Verse by Led Zeppelin guitar tabs playing instructions.

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