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That Sunday That Summer by Nat King Cole

That Sunday That Summer chords by Nat King Cole

Guitar chords with lyrics

That Sunday, that summer (Nat King Cole)

Am7  C#m7   D9  Dm6  E7  Am7/9  Am7
If I  had  to  choose  just one  day

C#m7  Cm7  D9
To  last my whole  life through,

Am7    C#m7    D9 Dm6  E7  AM7/9 AM7
It would sure - ly be    that  Sun - day,

D  Dm7(IV) Gdim
The day that I  met   you.

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Dalt     D       D6     BbM7alt   Dm+7    Dm6
New - born whip - poor - wills  were cal - ling  from the hills;

AM7         D9     Bm7-5   AM7
Sum - mer was a - com - ing  in  but fast.

Dalt    D     D6     BbM7alt     Dm+7  Dm6
Lots of  daf - fo - dils were show - ing off their  skills,

Am7         F#m
Nod - ding all to - geth - er,

Am7          F#m
I could al - most hear them whis - per,

Am7   F#m    Dm7(IV) C#m7  D   Fdim
"Go on, kiss her, go on  and  kiss  her."

Am7  C#m7   D9   Dm6 E7  AM7/9 Am7
If I had to choose   one  mo - ment

C#m7  Cm7  D9
To live with - in  my  heart,

AM7    C#m7    D9  Dm6  AM7/9 AM7
It  would be that ten - der  mo - ment

A      A(v) G#7 C#m7  D
Re -cal - ling  how  we  star - ted;

Dalt   D     Dm6  C#m7    AM7    F#7
Darling, it would be  when you smiled at me

D   D6     Dm6  E7     Am7/9 Am7
That way, that Sun - day, last sum - mer.

That Sunday That Summer chords

Nat King Cole chords for That sunday that summer

What Is This?

That Sunday That Summer by Nat King Cole guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "That Sunday That Summer" by Nat King Cole! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "That Sunday That Summer" by Nat King Cole with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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