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Keep On Dancing by Cats On Trees

Keep On Dancing chords by Cats On Trees

Guitar chords with lyrics

  • Capo on 3rd

Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

Difficulty: Novice

Verse 1:
Em Am  Gm
Day one you're locking the door
Dm    F     C   G
Baby the roof is on fire
Em  Am     Gm
Two hands are driving this car
Dm      F       C   G
Beasts all around you're closer
Em  Am     Gm
Day two you're sweating and cold
Dm    F    C G
Baby the car goes faster
Em  Am   Gm
How fun how fun
Dm      F     C
If only the sky could say
C          G   C   G
Oh don't take your gun we wanna have some fun
          F            C
We wanna keep on dancing we can't keep on running
C          G   C  G
Oh don't take your gun we wanna have some fun
          F            C
We wanna keep on dancing we can't keep on running
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -

         Dm           F
Hold your fire silence I'm holding your hand
  C            G
Silence I'm whispering a prayer
Dm        F     C    G
Believing we're living for love

Verse 2:
Em   Am  Gm
Night fall wolves on the road
Dm    F     C     G
Baby the beast is darker
Em  Am     Gm
You too are frightening and cold
Dm    F     C    G
Baby the car goes deeper
Em  Am   Gm
How fun how fun
Dm      F     C
If only the sky could say
C          G   C    G
Oh don't take your gun we wanna have some fun
          F            C
We wanna keep on dancing we can't keep on running
C          G   C  G
Oh don't take your gun we wanna have some fun
          F            C
We wanna keep on dancing we can't keep on running

         Dm           F
Hold your fire silence I'm holding your hand
  C            G
Silence I'm whispering a prayer
Dm        F     C
Believing you're living for love
For love

         Dm           F
Hold your fire silence I'm holding your hand
  C            G
Silence I'm whispering a prayer
Dm        F      C
You're living you're living for love

         Dm           F
Hold your fire silence I'm holding your hand
  C            G
Silence I'm whispering a prayer
Dm        F     C
Believing we're living for love

         Dm           F
Hold your fire silence I'm holding your hand
  C            G
Silence I'm whispering a prayer
Dm         F      C
You're living you're living for love

For love
C   G
For love

Keep On Dancing chords

Cats On Trees chords for Keep on dancing

What Is This?

Keep On Dancing by Cats On Trees guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the chords guide for "Keep On Dancing" by Cats On Trees! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Keep On Dancing" by Cats On Trees with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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