Tuning GDAe. I transposed this song to the mandolin from the guitar. The recording features an acoustic and an electric guitar. From their 1992 debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmVn6b7DdpA If you would like to see my video lesson, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1A68uRc6fg INTRO LEAD, transposed from guitar 0:01 e|------------|------------|------------| A|------------|------------|------------| D|-7-7-7/9--2-|-7-7-7/9--2-|-7-7-7/9--2-| G|------------|------------|------------| e|--------------------|--------------------|--------------------| A|-0------------------|-0------------------|-0------------------| D|---6-4-2-0-0-2p0-2--|---6-4-2-0-0-2p0-2--|---6-4-2-0-0-2p0-2--| G|--------------------|--------------------|--------------------|
e|--------------------| A|-0--------4/5\4-0---| D|---6-4-2----------2-| G|--------------------| RHYTHM E E E7 E e|-0-|-0-|-0-0-| A|-2-|-2-|-2-2-| D|-2-|-2-|-0-2-| G|-1-|-1-|-1-1-| ^ VERSE 0:20 E D D A G E E7 E E7 E E e|-0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2-|-2-2-|-5-5-5-5--3-3--0-0-0-0-|-0--0--0--0-| |-0-| A|-2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-|-0-0-|-4-4-4-4--2-2--2-2-2-2-|-5--2--5--2-| |-2-| D|-2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-|-0-0-|-2-2-2-2--0-0--2-2-2-2-|-2--2--2--2-| x2 |-2-| G|-1-1-1-1--2-2-2-2-|-2-2-|-2-2-2-2--0-0--1-1-1-1-|-1--1--1--1-| |-1-| ^ ^ ^ ^ We play the E7 with the high D note on the 5th fret of the A here, and on the low open D string in the intro, because the guitar plays the E7 as 020100 in the intro and as 022130 at the end of the verse. VERSE CONTINUED 0:48, 2:35 E7 E D E D e|-0--0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2-| |-0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2-| A|-2--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-| |-2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-| D|-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-| |-2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-| x8 G|-1--1-1-1-1--2-2-2-2-| |-1-1-1-1--2-2-2-2-| ^ BRIDGE 2:15 E D A G E E E e|-0-|-2-|-5-|-3-3-|-0-|-0-|-0-| A|-2-|-0-|-4-|-2-2-|-2-|-2-|-2-| D|-2-|-0-|-2-|-0-0-|-2-|-2-|-2-| G|-1-|-2-|-2-|-2-2-|-1-|-1-|-1-| GUITAR SOLO 1 RHYTHM 1:50 + GUITAR SOLO 2 RHYTHM 2:58 E D e|-0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2-| A|-2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-| D|-2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-| x5 G|-1-1-1-1--2-2-2-2-| OUTRO 3:14 E E D e|-0--4-4--2-2-2-2-| A|-2--2-2--0-0-0-0-| D|-2--2-2--0-0-0-0-| x4 G|-1--1-1--2-2-2-2-| ^ ^ We add the G# on the 4th fret of the E string in there, because the rhythm guitar is playing bar chords. The E bar chord is x7999x. The open chord 0221000 misses out on that G# on the 9th fret of the B ?? string. As it`s very audible in the recording, we add it in for the mandolin, too. Tab 🏷Legend: / slide up \ slide down p pull off ^ upstroke
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for No Rain (mandolin) by Blind Melon