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Heart Of God by Zach Williams

Heart Of God chords by Zach Williams

Guitar chords with lyrics

(Em)   (D)  (A).
(Em)   (D)  (A).

Verse 1
I know you're h(G)urtin'
I can (Bm)see it in your e(A)yes
So, pull back the c(G)urtain and take (Bm)off your disg(A)uise
Whoever t(G)old you (Bm)ain't worth the f(A)ight
The cross tells a s(G)tory that'll ch(Bm)ange your m(A)ind
'Cause there's only (Em)love in the he(D)art of Go(A)d

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No room for s(Em)hame in His o(D)pen a(A)rms
There's beauty from a(G)shes, so (Bm)come as you a(A)re
And there's only l(G)ove in the h(Bm)eart of G(A)od
Ooh-ooh-ooh-o(Em)oh, ooh-ooh-o(D)oh, o(A)oh
Ooh-ooh-ooh-o(Em)oh, ooh-o(D)oh, o(A)oh
Verse 2
Come, prodigal childr(G)en, it's (Bm)never too l(A)ate
Run home to the Fath(G)er, let Him (Bm)clothe you with g(A)race
And bury your b(G)urdens, break f(Bm)ree from the f(A)ear
Step out the shad(G)ows, there's no (Bm)judgment h(A)ere
There's (Em)only love in the he(D)art of G(A)od
No room for s(Em)hame in His o(D)pen a(A)rms
There's beauty from a(G)shes, so (Bm)come as you a(A)re
And there's only l(G)ove in the h(Bm)eart of Go(A)d

Ooh-ooh-ooh-(Em)ooh, ooh-ooh-o(D)oh, o(A)oh
Ooh-ooh-ooh-(Em)ooh, ooh-o(D)oh, o(A)oh
No, (Em)He's not sittin' there sh(D)akin' His head
W(A)ritin' you off, leavin' you lost
(Em)He's not sittin' there s(D)hakin' His head
W(A)ishin' He'd never went to that cross
(G)He's not sittin' there s(Bm)hakin' His head
Wr(A)itin' you off, leavin' you lost
H(G)e's not sittin' there s(Bm)hakin' His head
He w(A)ent to that cross
He went to that cross
(Em)  (D) 'Cause H(A)e loves you so much
(Em)Ooh-ooh-o(D)oh, y(A)eah
There's only (Em)love in the h(D)eart of G(A)od
No room for s(Em)hame in His o(D)pen a(A)rms
There's beauty from a(G)shes, so (Bm)come as you (A)are (Come as you are)
'Cause there's only (Em)love in the h(D)eart of G(A)od (Heart of God)
No room for s(Em)hame in His o(D)pen a(A)rms
There's beauty from a(G)shes, so (Bm)come as you (A)are (Come as you are)
'Cause there's only l(G)ove in the (Bm)heart of G(A)od (Heart of God)
'Cause there's only l(G)ove in the (Bm)heart of (A)God

Heart Of God chords

Zach Williams chords for Heart of god

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Heart Of God by Zach Williams guitar chords playing instructions.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Heart Of God" by Zach Williams with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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