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Qué Agonía by Yuridia

Qué Agonía chords by Yuridia

Guitar chords with lyrics

  • Difficulty: Beginner

🎸 Intro:

F G Em7 F G C F

🎸 Verse 1:
   G        C
La verdad no te olvidé
aun te sigo queriendo
y aunque mucho que pasó
y la vida nos cambió
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
sigue vivo el sentimiento

   G      C
Toda una vida traté
De ignorar como dolías
más haberme conformado
a no tenerte a mi lado
ha sido absurda agonía

🎸 Chorus:
        F   G
Te vas y no te supe amar
       Em7  F
yo se que merecías más
Amores como tú, hoy sé
       C  F
solo se viven una vez

Solamente me queda abrazar
lo que fuimos un día
¡Qué agonía!

🎸 Bridge:
F G Em7 F G C F

🎸 Chorus:

        F   G
Te vas y no te supe amar
       Em7  F
yo se que merecías más
Amores como tú, hoy sé
       C  F
solo se viven una vez

Solamente me queda abrazar
lo que fuimos un día
¡Qué agonía!

Qué Agonía chords

Yuridia chords for Qué agonía

What Is This?

Qué Agonía by Yuridia guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the guide for guitarists starting out on their learning journy and want to master the song Qué Agonía by Yuridia. This page is specifically designed for musicians who are at the beginner level, but can be enjoyed by everyone who wants to challenge themselves with learing to play Qué Agonía using our chords.

Why This Page Is Perfect for You?

As a guitarist starting out, you will now build a solid foundation of skills and are ready to elevate your playing to the next level.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Qué Agonía" by Yuridia with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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