On The Beach : Neil Young : On The Beach This song really only has three chords Am7 = 575555 Am7+B = 575557 Dm = 557765 CM7 = 335453 You need to listen to the song to learn when to hit the bass notes and play the runs. You can also play it at the neck Am7 = 002010 Dm = x00231 CM7 = x32000
Am7 Am7+B The world is turning, I hope it ... Dm Am7 The world is turning, I hope ... CM7 Dm All my ... CM7 Dm From the wall where I .... Am7 The world is turning, I hope .... [solo] [solo] cheers :-) cal rcwoods@alf2.tcd.ie rcwoods@nevada.edu http://scrg.cs.tcd.ie/scrg/u/rcwoods.html trinity college dublin
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for On The Beach by Neil Young