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Old Man by Neil Young

Old Man chords by Neil Young

Guitar chords with lyrics

Anyways, here's the tab, which with a *very* quick glance, looks fairly accurate to me. I quickly fixed a couple of things (noted by the "DWB:"), but the real interesting stuff is the passing notes/chords/riffs that I don't have a clue how to annotate. But I tried anyways :-)

 lyrics: audio
 chords: audio
 corrections/additions welcome

 Old Man : Harvest

 FM7       D Dsus4 D   x2

 FM7                   D
 Old man look at my life, I'm ....x2
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
 D F C G D F C F

DWB: (try a quick F-G at the end of the phrase on the way back to D)

 D    F
 Old man look at ...

 C            G
 Twenty four and ....

 D        F
 Live alone in a ....

   C         F
 That makes me ....

DWB: (try a quick F-G at the end of the verse on the way back to D)

 D     F
 Love lost, such ...

 C          G
 Give me things that ....

 D        C
 Like a coin that ...

 F        G
 Rollin' home ...

 D Am7 Em7 G D/F#

DWB: (Between to D and Am7, try Dsus4->D->D9->D, pulling-off the high E from the 3rd fret to 2nd fret to open E, then a quick punch on the 2nd fret again)

 D                  Am7   Em7 G
 Old man take a look at my ....

 D               Am7    Em7    G
 I need someone to love me the ....

 D                  Am7     Em7
 Oh, one look in my eyes and ....

 D F C G D F C F

(DWB: play a quick F-G at the end of the phrase on the way back to D)

 Lullabies, look in your ....

 Old man look at my life, ....x2 (intro chords)



 notes :
 FM7: x00560
 Dsus4: x00233
 D9: x00320
 Am7: x002010
 Em7: 022030

 FM7 is x00560, and you repeatedly hammer-on the third (G) string (0h5)
 The mention of Dsus4 is to indicate that you should fiddle around with the
 high E string, between D, Dsus4 and D9.

(DWB: I made the corrections he notes in the next paragraph, and fixed up the ending)

Just looking at the file right now, i wonder if the line: D F C G D F C G
 (or D F C G x2) is correct - strikes me it should end in F. hmmm

If you make any additions or corrections - let me know of them!
 cheers! rcwoods@unix1.tcd.ie

Old Man chords

Neil Young chords for Old man

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