LONG MAY YOU RUN (Live) As recorded by Neil Young (From the 1993 Album UNPLUGGED) Words and Music by Neil Young Gtr I (E A D G B E) - 'Neil Young - Acoustic Guitar' Intro H=68 D Dmaj9 G D 4/4 Gtr I (Ac. Gtr.) Q Q E E Q Q E E Q Q Q E E Q E E Q E E E E E E |----2--2-2-2--|----0-0-0--0--|----3-3----3-3-|----2-2---2-2---| |----3--3-3-3--|----2-2-2--2--|----0-0----0-0-|----3-3---3-3---| |----2--2-2-2--|-2--2-2-2--2--|----0-0----0-0-|-2--2-2-2-2-2---| |-0-----0---0--|-0--0---0--0--|----0------0---|-0--0---0---0---| |--------------|--------------|-2------2------|----------------| |--------------|--------------|-3------3------|----------------|
Bm/F# G A7sus4 A Q E E Q E E Q Q Q E E Q E E +E E Q Q E E E E Q |----2-2-2--2-0-|----3--3---3-3-|------0-(0)-0-0--|----0-0-0-0-0---| |----3-3-3--3-0-|----0--0---0-0-|------3-(3)-3-3--|-2--2-2-2-2-2---| |----4-4-4--4-0-|----0--0---0-0-|----0-0-(0)-0-0--|-2--2-2-2-2-2---| |----4---4--4---|-0--0--0---0-0-|-2--2---------2--|-2--2---2-2-2---| |-2-------------|-2-----0h2-----|-0---------------|-0------0---0---| |-2-------------|-3-----3-------|-----------------|----------------| H E E Q D Dmaj7 Dmaj9 Dmaj7 G D Dsus2 Q E E Q E E Q E E Q E E Q Q Q E E Q E E +Q E E |----2-2-2--2-2-|----0-0-0--2-0-|----3--3--3-0-|----2-2-(2)--0----| |----3-3-3--3-2-|-2--2-2-2--2-0-|-0--0--0--0-0-|----3-3-(3)--3-3--| |-2--2-2-2--2-2-|-2--2-2-2--2-0-|-0--0--0--0-0-|-2--2-2-(2)--2----| |-0--0---0--0---|-0--0---0--0---|-0--0--0--0---|-0--0-------------| |---------------|-0-------------|-2-----2------|------------------| |---------------|---------------|-3-----3------|------------------| Bm/F# A7 D DsusD DsuD2 Q E E E Q E Q E E E E E E Q Q E E E E Q Q Q E E |----2-2-2-0--0-|------0---0-0-0-|----2----0-0h=2--|----2--0--2-2--|| |----3-3-3-3--0-|-2--2-2---2-2-0-|----3----3-3-(3)-|----3--3--3-3--|| |----4-4-4-4--0-|-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-|-2--2--2-2-0h=2--|----2--2--2-2--|| |----4---4-4----|-2--2---2---2---|-0-----0---------|-0--0--0--0----|| |-2-------------|-0------0-------|-----------------|-0-------------|| |-2-------------|----------------|-----------------|---------------|| 1st - 3rd Verses $ D Dmaj9 G D Dsus2 Q Q Q E E Q E E Q E E Q Q E E E E Q E E +E E E E ||-----2-----2---|-^0----0-(0)----0-|----3--3-3-3-3-|-2--2-2-(2)---0-0-| ||o----3-----3---|-^2--2-2-(2)--2-0-|-0--0--0-0-0-0-|-3--3-3-(3)---3-0-| ||-----2-----2---|-^2--2-2-(2)--2-0-|-0--0--0-0-0-0-|-2--2-2-(2)-2-2---| ||--0--0--0--0---|-^0--0-0-(0)------|-0--0--0---0-0-|-0--0-------------| ||o-0-----0------|----------0-------|-2---------2---|------------------| ||---------------|------------------|-3-------------|------------------| Bm/F# G A A7 A E E E E E E E E Q E E +E E E E Q E E Q Q E E E E +E E E E |-------2-2-2-2-3-|----3-3-(3)-3-3-3-|-0--0-0-------|-----0-0-(0)---0-0--| |-------3-3-3-3-0-|----0-0-(0)-0-0-0-|-2--2-2----2--|-0h2-2-2-(2)---0-0--| |-----4---4-4-4-0-|-0--0-0-(0)-0-0-0-|-2--2-2----0--|-0h2-2-2-(2)-2------| |---4-----4---4---|-0--0---------0-0-|-2--2------2--|-0h2----------------| |-2---------------|-2----------------|-0--0---------|-0------------------| |-2---------------|-3----------------|--------0-----|--------------------| Q Q H D Dmaj9 G D Dsus2 Q Q E E E E Q E E +E E E E Q Q E E Q Q E E +E E E E |----2----2-2---|-0--0-------------|----3----3-3--|-2--2-2-(2)-2-0-0--| |----3--3-3-3p2-|-2--2-2-(2)---2-0-|----0----0-0--|-3--3-3-(3)-3-3-0--| |-2--2--2-2-2---|-2--2-2-(2)-2-2-0-|----0----0-0--|-2--2-2-(2)-2-2-0--| |-0--0--0---0---|-0--0-------------|----0------0--|-0--0--------------| |-0-------------|------------------|--------------|-------------------| |---------------|------------------|-3-----3------|-------------------| Bm/F# A7 D Dsus2 D Q E E +E E E E Q E E Q E E Q E E +E E Q a Q Q +E E Q |------2-(2)---2-2-|----0-0----0-0-|----2-2-(2)-0-0--|-0h2--2--(2)-2----|| |----3---------3-3-|-2--2-2----2-0-|-3--3-3-(3)-3-3--|-0h3--3--(3)-3-3--|| |-4--4-------4---4-|-0--0-0-0--0-0-|-2--2-2-(2)-2-2--|-0h2--2--(2)-2-2--|| |------------------|-2--2---2--2---|-0--0------------|---0--0--(0)---0--|| |------------------|-0------0------|-----------------|------------------|| |------------------|---------------|-----------------|------------------|| Chorus $$ D Dmaj9 G D Dsus2 Q Q Q Q Q E E +E E E E Q Q E E Q E E E E Q E E |----2--2--2--|-0--0-0-(0)-0-0-0-|----3---3--3-3--|-2-2-2-2-2--2-0--| |----3--3--3--|-2--2-2-(2)-2-2-0-|----0---0--0-0--|-3-3-3-3-3--3-3--| |----2--2--2--|-2--2-2-(2)-2-2-0-|----0---0--0-0--|-2-2-2-2-2--2-2--| |-0--0--0--0--|-0--0---------0---|----0---0----0--|-0---0---0--0----| |-0-----------|------------------|-2-----(2)------|-0---------------| |-------------|------------------|-3-----(3)------|-----------------| Bm/F# G A7sus4 A7 Q Q Q Q Q E E Q Q Q E E +E E Q Q Q E E E E |----2--2--2--|----3-3-3--3--|----0-0-(0)---0--|---------0------| |----3--3--3--|----0-0-0--0--|----3-3-(3)---3--|----2----2-2-0--| |----4--4--4--|----0-0-0--0--|-0--0-0-(0)-0----|-0--0--0-0-0-0--| |----4--4--4--|----0---0--0--|-2--2------------|-2--2--2---2----| |-2-----------|-2------------|-0---------------|-0-----0--------| |-2-----------|-3------------|-----------------|----------------| D Dmaj7 G D Dsus2 Q Q Q Q Q E E Q E E Q Q Q Q Q E E +E E Q |----2--2--2--|-2--2-2-2--2-0-|----3-----3--|-2--2-2-(2)---0---| |----3--3--3--|-2--2-2-2--2-0-|----0-----0--|-3--3-3-(3)-3-3---| |-2--2--2--2--|-2--2-2-2--2-0-|-0--0-----0--|-2--2-2-(2)-0-0---| |-0-----------|-0--0---0--0---|-0--0-----0--|-0--0-------------| |-------------|---------------|-2-----------|------------------| |-------------|---------------|-3-----3-----|------------------| 1. To Coda Bm/F# A7 Q E E E E E E Q Q Q Q Q E E E E Q +Q Q Q Q |----2-2-2-2-2---|----0--0--0--|----2-2-2---3--|-(3)--3---------| |----3-3-3-3-3-2-|-2--2--2--2--|-3--3-3-3---0--|-(0)------------| |----4-4-4-4-4-0-|-0--0--0--0--|-2--2-2-2---0--|-(0)-----0------| |----4---4---4-2-|-2--2--2--2--|-0--0---0---0--|-(0)--------0---| |-2--------------|-0-----------|------------2--|-(2)------------| |-2--------------|-------------|------------3--|-(3)------------| Bb/E D Dsus2 Q. E +E E Q E Q E +E E Q E E E E +E E Q a W |-0----0-(0)-0-(0)--|-(0)-0--0-(0)-0--0---|-------2-(2)-0----|---2-----|| |-6----6-(6)-6--6---|--6--6--6-(6)-6--6---|-3---3-------3----|---3----o|| |-7----7-(7)-7--7---|--7--7--7-(7)-7--7---|-2-2---------2-0--|-0h2-----|| |-8----8-(8)-8--8---|--8--8--8-(8)-8--8---|-0----------------|---0-----|| |-------------------|---------------------|------------------|--------o|| |-6----6-(6)--------|----------------(6)--|------------------|---------|| 2.,D.S. D G Bb/E Q. E Q Q +Q E E +E E Q Q E E +E E Q +E E Q E E Q |-2----2----3--|-(3)--3-3-(3)------|-0--0-0-(0)-0-0--|-(0)-0--0----0--0-0---| |-3----3----0--|-(0)--0-0-(0)---0--|-6--6-6-(6)-6-6--|-(6)-6--6----6--6-0---| |-2----2----0--|-(0)--0-0-(0)-0----|-7--7-7-(7)-7-7--|-(7)-7--7----7--7-0---| |-0----0-0--0--|-(0)--0------------|-8--8-8-(8)-8-8--|-(8)-8--8----8--8-----| |--------0--2--|-(2)---------------|-----------------|----------------------| |-----------3--|-(3)---------------|-6--6-6-(6)---6--|-------(6)--(6)-------| Harmonica Solo D D Dmaj9 Q E E +E E Q a H. E E Q E E Q E E Q E E +Q Q |----2-2-(2)-2----|-0h2-------2-0-||----2-2----2-0-|-0--0-0-(0)--0--| |----3-3-(3)-3----|---3-------3-0-||----3-3----3-0-|-2--2-2-(2)--2--| |-2--2-2-(2)-2-0--|-0h2-------2-0-||-2--2-2-2--2-0-|-2--2-2-(2)--2--| |-0---------------|---0-------0---||-0--0---0--0---|-0--0--------0--| |-0---------------|---------------||---------------|----------------| |-----------------|---------------||---------------|----------------| G D Bm/F# G Q E E E E Q Q Q E E E E Q Q E E E E Q E E E E E E |----3-3---3-3--|----2--2-2-2-0-|----2--2-2-2-0-|----3-3-3-3-3-3--| |----0-0---0-0--|----3--3-3-3-0-|----3--3-3-3-0-|----0-0-0-0-0-0--| |-0--0-0-0-0-0--|-2--2--2-2-2-0-|----4--4-4-4-0-|-0--0-0-0-0-0-0--| |-0--0---0---0--|-0--0--0---0---|----4--4---4---|-0--0---0---0----| |-2------2------|-0-------------|-2--2----------|-2--2------------| |-3------3------|---------------|-2-------------|-3--3------------| A7sus4 A7 D Dmaj7 Q E E +E E Q Q Q Q Q Q E E E E E E Q E E Q E E |----0-0-(0)-0-0--|----0--0--0--|----2-2---2-2-0-|-2--2-0-2--2-0--| |-3--3-3-(3)-3-3--|----2--2--2--|----3-3---3-3-0-|-2--2-0-2--2-0--| |-0--0-0-(0)-0-0--|----0--2--2--|-2--2-2-2-2-2-0-|-2--2-0-2--2-0--| |-2--2-2-(2)---2--|-2--2--0--0--|-0--0---0---0---|-0--0---0--0-0--| |-0---------------|-0-----------|----------------|----------------| |-----------------|-------------|----------------|----------------| G D Bm/F# A7 Dsus2 Q Q E E Q Q Q Q E E Q E E E E E E Q E E Q E E |-3--3----3-3--|-2--2--2--0-0-|----2-2-2-2-2-0-|----0-0----0--2---| |-0--0----0-0--|-3--3--3--0-0-|----3-3-3-3-3-0-|----2-2----3-(3)--| |-0--0--0-0-0--|-2--2--2--0-0-|----4-4-4-4-4-0-|-0--0-0-0--2-(2)--| |-0--0--0---0--|-0--0--0--0---|----4---4---4---|-2--2---2--0-(0)--| |-2--2--2---2--|--------------|-2--------------|-0------0---------| |-3--3--3---3--|--------------|-2--------------|------------------| Outro D.S. & D.S. D D G Q Q E E Q E E Q E E E E Q. E Q Q +W |----2--2-2-2--|-2-(2)-2----2-2-0--||-2----2-2--3--|-(3)----| |----3--3-3-3--|-3-(3)-3----3-3-0--||-3----3-3--0--|-(0)----| |-2--2--2-2-2--|-0h=2--2----2-2-0--||-2----2-2--0--|-(0)----| |-0--0--0---0--|-0-(0)-0--0---0----||-0------0--0--|-(0)----| |-0------------|----------0--------||-0---------2--|-(2)----| |--------------|-------------------||-----------3--|-(3)----| Bb/E D Q E E +E E Q +E Q E Q Q Q E E +E E Q +Q Q H +W |-0--0-0-(0)-0-0--|-(0)-0--0-0--0--|----2-2-(2)------|------2--2----|-(2)----*| |-6--6-6-(6)-6-6--|-(6)-6--6-6--6--|----3-3-(3)-3-3--|-(3)--3--3----|-(3)----*| |-7--7-7-(7)-7-7--|-(7)-7--7-7--7--|----2-2-(2)-0-0--|-(0)--2--2----|-(2)----*| |-8--8-8-(8)-8-8--|-(8)-8--8-8--8--|-0--0------------|------0--0----|-(0)----*| |-----------------|----------------|-----------------|--------------|--------*| |-6--6-6-(6)---6--|----------------|-----------------|--------------|--------*| Duration 🏷Legend --------------- W - whole; H - half; Q - quarter; E - 8th; S - 16th; T - 32nd; X - 64th; a - acciaccatura + - note tied to previous; . - note dotted; .. - note double dotted Uncapitalized letters represent notes that are staccato (1/2 duration) Irregular groupings are notated above the duration line Duration letters will always appear directly above the note/fret number it represents the duration for. Duration letters with no fret number below them represent rests. Multi- bar rests are notated in the form Wxn, where n is the number of bars to rest for. Low melody durations appear below the staff Tablature 🏷Legend ---------------- h - hammer-on p - pull-off b - bend pb - pre-bend r - bend release (if no number after the r, then release immediately) /\ - slide into or out of (from/to "nowhere") s - legato slide S - shift slide - natural harmonic [n] - artificial harmonic n(n) - tapped harmonic ~ - vibrato tr - trill T - tap TP - trem. picking PM - palm muting \n/ - tremolo bar dip; n = amount to dip \n - tremolo bar down n/ - tremolo bar up /n\ - tremolo bar inverted dip = - hold bend; also acts as connecting device for hammers/pulls - volume swell (louder/softer) x - on rhythm slash represents muted slash o - on rhythm slash represents single note slash Misc 🏷Legend ----------- | - bar || - double bar ||o - repeat start o|| - repeat end *| - double bar (ending) : - bar (freetime) $ - Segno & - Coda Tempo markers - = BPM(8/16=s8/s16), where s8 = swing 8ths, s16 = swing 16ths We've been through Some things together With trunks of memories Still to come We found things to do In stormy weather Long may you run. Long may you run. Long may you run. Although these changes Have come With your chrome heart shining In the sun Long may you run. Well, it was Back in Blind River in 1962 When I last saw you alive But we missed that shift On the long decline Long may you run. Long may you run. Long may you run. Although these changes Have come With your chrome heart shining In the sun Long may you run. Maybe The Beach Boys Have got you now With those waves Singing "Caroline No" Rollin' down That empty ocean road Gettin' to the surf on time. Long may you run. Long may you run. Although these changes Have come With your chrome heart shining In the sun