Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E) Original tuning DADGBD D:000230 F:x3321x F(alt):3332xx G:x55430 G(alt):5554xx Intro: D F G Verse: D F G D F G when the red light shines on the streets of hate D F G D F G where the devil dines who knows what he ate
Verse: D F G D F G it's a simple thing trying to stay afloat," D F G D F G the captain said without his boat Verse: D F G D F G "some things are getting better other things a little worse D F G D F G it's a situation much like a curse Verse: D F G D F G it's the devil's sidewalk greendale it's the devil's door greendale D F G D F G i try to avoid it," greendale said the captain of the shore greendale Verse: D F G D F G "there's a garden growing greendale and a million weeds greendale D F G D F G with no way of knowing greendale who has done which deed" greendale Verse: D F G D F G "that's an honest tale," said the helmsman to the mate, D F G D F G "about a woman delicious and a matter of fate" Bridge: D F G Verse: D F G D F G big wheel's still rolling down on me D F G D F G one thing i can tell you is you got to be free Verse: D F G D F G john lennon said that and i believe in love D F G D F G i believe in action when push comes to shove Verse: D F G D F G "who cares what you believe," said the captain amazed, D F G D F G "if you stood in my shoes your eyes would be glazed" Bridge: D F G Verse: D F G D F G so my fair damsel greendale won't you take your leave greendale D F G D F G are you headed for the country greendale where you wear the green sleeve greendale Verse: D F G D F G and the children laugh greendale and the old folks sing greendale D F G D F G and the church bells toll greendale for a miraculous thing greendale Verse: D F G D F G where the big red furnace greendale just glows and glows greendale D F G D F G where the big heart beats greendale where the big wheel rolls greendale
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Devils Sidewalk by Neil Young