High and Mighty By Keller Williams from the album Vape. Chords by Nathan Saydyk This is a very basic...but easy to play. I think he does a different tuning but I can not figure it out. I also don't like to retune while playing by the fire pit. You have to listen to him play it first, you have to get the melody to sing it properly. It is much easier to play if you do mostly barre cords. Start with A barre on 5th fret, down to G barre on third fret then the E normal. In the chorus, start with the E barre on 7th fret. A G E G Repeat 4x oh oh oh uhhhhhh
A G D A The roots grow down to the river, seed from long ago. A G D G A And when I say from long ago, I mean from ever so long ago. E Yo A G D A Roots grow down to the river, they go to bank a sideways tree. A G D G A Big old witness to the Civil War, getting ready to float down stream. E G A But that's right, ready to float down stream. E G A E Not tonight, hanging on to the dream. A G D A You say, don't ya come at me like your all high and mighty. A G D G G# A (walk it up) I say, mighty, no, but defiantly high. A G D A You say, we should, pack and move away from this place. A G D G G# A (walk it up) I say, let me, uncork another bottle of wine. A G E G Repeat 4x oh oh oh uhhhhhh A G D A Roots grow down to the river, where your grandmamma said don't go. A G D G A She said, "You might fall in the water, and get sucked in the undertow." E No A G D A Roots grow down to the river, so quite you can hear that snake cough. A G D G A Then your granddaddy picked it up and cracked it like a whip, snapped it's head clean off. E G A But that's right, ready to float down stream. E G A E Not tonight, hanging on to the dream. A G D A You say, don't ya come at me like your all high and mighty. A G D G G# A (walk it up) I say, mighty, no, but defiantly high. A G D A You say, we should, pack and move away from this place. A G D G G# A (walk it up) I say, let me, uncork another bottle of wine. (Instrumental I can not do...and prefer to listen to Keller do instead) E G A But that's right, ready to float down stream. E G A E Not tonight, hanging on to the dream. A G D A Roots grow down to the river, and right under this here house. A G D G A And the one next door and the one down the road and the one that's goanna be knocked down. A G D A Roots grow down to the river, they go to bank a sideways tree A G D G A Big old witness to the Civil War, getting ready to float down stream. E G A But that's right, ready to float down stream. E G A E Not tonight, hanging on to the dream. A G D A You say, don't ya come at me like your all high and mighty. A G D G G# A (walk it up) I say, mighty, no, but defiantly high. A G D A You say, we should, pack and move away from this place. A G D G G# A (walk it up) I say, let me, uncork another bottle of wine. A G E G Repeat 4x oh oh oh uhhhhhh