Here's a Widespread Panic song from Space Wrangler called (I believe) The Take Out (it's the instrumental in the middle of the disc). The tablature is correct, and I'm pretty sure the chords are close. If you're familiar with the album (I know I've only heard it several hundred times) you should have no trouble with this. E--------------------------------------- B--------------------------------------- G-4---4---2-0---0-0-----0---0---0-----0- D-------------------0-2---2---2---2-0--- A--------------------------------------- E---3---3-----3-------------------------
E-----------------------------------------------3- B-----------------------------------------------0- G-------2-----0-----2-----0-----0-----0---0-----0- D---------0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----2-------0- A-0-2-3-----3-----3-----3-----3-----------------2- E-----------------------------------3-------2-3-3- Play this 2x and then the chords are (I believe): F C Am and then the lick A-0-2-3-2-0---0----- E-----------3---3-0- and then C Em Am D and start all over . . . Now, my Panic request: Airplane off the brand-spankin' new "Ain't Life Grand". That's a toughie, but what a great song, maybe their best straightforward pop tune yet. -- John B. Carroll - "Drink another, coin a phrase . . ." - R.E.M.