Title: Aluminum Band: The White Stripes Album: White Blood Cells (2001) tabbed by scef (email: funnell_teen_spirit@yahoo.com) one song left after this! i think for the intro harmonic jack hits the 3rd fret on the sixth (lowest) string, then he gets it an octave higher, not exactly too sure how though...the main riff is A-------------------------| E-0-(h)-0-3-0-(h)-0-3-2-1-| \ \ bend up 1/4
the (h)'s represent harmonics. i'm not sure what they are but i think most of them are at the fifth fret on the D string then it changes G-----------------| D-4-4-4-4-7-7-7-7-| A-2-2-2-2-5-5-5-5-| E-----------------| all the song consists of guitarwise is the above two riffs and those harmonics, just play around and see what sounds best now to work out the last song...