Fixed the mistake in the intro and verse. Artist: Rivers (Coumo) Band: Weezer Album: A great B-side that will hopefully be on their 2001 album (their 3rd cd yeah!) Title: Superstar First I would like to note some things. I'm not too good at this and so any corrections to this song I tried to tab out would be appreciated. Second, this songmight be 1/2 step down like most of their other songs. The words aren't exact because some lines have alot of words. It's agreat song and send any comments, additions (like solos), questions, and/or corrections my way. Oh, yeah, this is mostly the rythm guitar. If anyone figures out the lead and base mail me pronto and BY THEIR CD when it comes out :)
Powerchords, 1/2 down? p= pull off Intro 4x E|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| B|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| G|---3/4/5-------|---3/4/5-------|---3/4/5-------|---3/4/5-------| D|-3-3/4/5-3p-3p-|-3-3/4/5-3p-3p-|-3-3/4/5-3p-3p-|-3-3/4/5-3p-3p-| A|-3-1/2/3-3p-3p-|-3-1/2/3-3p-3p-|-3-1/2/3-3p-3p-|-3-1/2/3-3p-3p-| e|-1-------1p-1p-|-1-------1p-1p-|-1-------1p-1p-|-1-------1p-1p-| Verse 4x total E|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| B|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| G|---3/4/5-------|---3/4/5-------|---3/4/5-------|---3/4/5-------| D|-3-3/4/5-3p-3p-|-3-3/4/5-3p-3p-|-3-3/4/5-3p-3p-|-3-3/4/5-3p-3p-| A|-3-1/2/3-3p-3p-|-3-1/2/3-3p-3p-|-3-1/2/3-3p-3p-|-3-1/2/3-3p-3p-| e|-1-------1p-1p-|-1-------1p-1p-|-1-------1p-1p-|-1-------1p-1p-| It use ... Of rockin' .. They'd strut... All I know how to do is sing... (and i) Chorus 3x total E|-----------------| B|-----------------| B|-7-7-5-5-3-3-3-3-| D|-7-7-5-5-3-3-3-3-| A|-5-5-3-3-1-1-1-1-| e|-----------------| don't do that so well... I never summon things from hell... I'm just a regular white guy Who's afraid to 3x E|-------------------------| B|-------------------------| B|-5p-5p-5p-5p-3p-3p-3p-3p-| D|-5p-5p-5p-5p-3p-3p-3p-3p-| A|-3p-3p-3p-3p-1p-1p-1p-1p-| e|-------------------------| rock so hard I'd break my guard And give my-self away... The song basically repeats from there with a solo after second chorus.