SUBJECT: MY NAME IS JONAS BTAB BY WEEZER Well I have to say this song is pretty cool. One of the coolest Weezer songs on the album. You wait about 2 measures while the guitar is doing that single note thing. then you play G------------------------ D------------------------ A-3-3-3-----------------3 E------3-3-3-5-5-5-1-1-1-
you do that until the chorus which goes like this G---------------------- D----------------------- A-3-3-3----------------- E------5-5-5-3-3-3-*0-1-2* *(I think there's a part like this but I'm not sure play it if and when you hear it to)* Then on the last chorus you play G D A-3-3-3------------ E------5-5-5-1-1-1 and end like this E-1-1--1-1--1-1-1--4-4--4-4--4-4-4 Listen to the song to get the beat of this part it's hard to write out. TABBED By Jon(and his friend pinky the wonder turd) Join Pinky on his magical adventures through the toilet of time and space.