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Think Of Me by Andrew Lloyd Webber

Think Of Me chords by Andrew Lloyd Webber

Guitar chords with lyrics

Intro: F#
       C#          B          C#
Think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said good-bye
  F#    C#           B         C#
Re-member me once in a while please promise me you'll try
Ebm            Ebmmaj7          Ebm        Ab
When you find that once a-gain you long to take your heart back and be free

(Strings play very ominous music)
(Shrieks and screams as stage collapses)

He's here! The Phantom of the Opera!
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
Senoria! Are you all right? Buquet! For God's sake, man, what's going on up there?

Please monsieur don't look at me. As God's my charge, I wasn't at my post.
Please monsieur, there's no one there and if there is, well then, it must be a ghost!

Signora, these things do happen!

For the past three years, these things do happen and did you stop them from happening? No!
And you two, you're as bad as him. These things do happen! Until you stop these things happening,
This thing does not happen! Ubaldo! Andiamo! Prima Donna... Bye bye and Ciao!


Gentlemen, Good luck. If you need me, I shall be in Australia.

I have a message, sir, from the Opera Ghost.
Oh God in Heaven, you're all obsessed!

He welcomes you to his opera house.

His opera house?

And commands you to continue to leave Box Five empty for his use
And reminds you that his salary is due.

His salary?

Monsieur Lefevre paid him twenty thousand francs a month.

Twenty thousand francs!

Perhaps you can afford more, with the Vicomte de Chagny as your patron.

Madame, I had hoped to have made that announcement public tonight
when the Vicomte was to join us for the gala. But obviously we shall now have to cancel,
as it appears that we have lost our star. A full house, Andre, we shall have to refund a full house.

Christine Daa? could sing it, sir.

What, a chorus girl?

Let her sing for you monsieur. She has been well taught!

D (as intro to restart the song)
Andre, this is doing nothing for my nerves.

She's very pretty.

D      A          G        A
Think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye
D      A           G         A
Remember me once in a while please promise me you'll try
Bm            Bmaj7           Bm        E
When you find that once a-gain you long to take thy heart back and be free
      D/A  Bm   Em  F#m G    A7 D
If you ever find a moment, spare a  thought for me...

(Key change to Eb, strings music joins in)
Eb Bb Ab Bb Eb Bb Ab Bb

  Cm           Cmmaj7       Cm       F
We never said our love was evergreen or as un-changing as the sea
    Eb/Bb      Cm    Fm  Gm Ab  Bb7 Eb Eb7
But if you can still re-mem-ber, stop and think of me
Ab    Bb          Db
Think of all the things we've shared and seen
   Eb/Bb      Cm     Fm     Bb
Don't think about the way things might have been...
Eb      Bb         Ab      Bb
Think of me, think of me waking, silent and re-signed
  Eb    Bb         Ab       Bb
Im-agine me, trying too hard to put you from my mind
  Cm              Cmmaj7
Re-call those days. Look back on all those times.
       Cm         F
Think of the things we'll never do
      Eb/Bb   Cm    Fm Gm  Ab  Bb7 Eb
There will never be a day when I won't think of  you...

(loudly)Eb Bb Ab Bb

Eb     Bb         (louder)Ab   Bb
Can it be? Can it be Christine?     Bravo!
Cm      Cmmaj7              Cm      F
Long ago, it seems so long ago. How young and in-no-cent we were.
    Eb/Bb     Cm   Fm
She may not remember me, but I re-mem-ber... (her)

Cm             Cmaj7            Cm      F
Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade. They have their season, so do we.
      Eb/Bb      Cm
But please promise me that sometimes,
(songs slows down, ring all chords)
Fm Gm  Ab
you will think

(Play Bb very loudly and strum rapidly on the double octave jump of Bb)


 Bb (NC) Eb
o-OF...  ME!

Think Of Me chords

Andrew Lloyd Webber chords for Think of me

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Think Of Me by Andrew Lloyd Webber guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Think Of Me" by Andrew Lloyd Webber! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Think Of Me" by Andrew Lloyd Webber with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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