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Don't Let No One Get You Down by WAR

Don't Let No One Get You Down chords by WAR

Guitar chords with lyrics

Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)


Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
Abmaj7 Dbmaj7 Cmaj7
Abmaj7 Dbmaj7 Cmaj7

Verse 1:
       Abmaj7 Dbmaj7   Cmaj7
Don't let no one, no one get you down...
      Abmaj7   Dbmaj7   Cmaj7
Cuz if they do, if they do I'll be around...
      Abmaj7     Dbmaj7   Cmaj7
I want you near, standing here by my side
   Abmaj7     Dbmaj7     Cmaj7 C7 Abmaj7 Dbmaj7 Cmaj7
So my dear wipe those tears from your eyes...

Abmaj7 Dbmaj7 Cmaj7

Abmaj7 Dbmaj7 Cmaj7
Abmaj7 Dbmaj7 Abmaj7 Cmaj7
Abmaj7 Dbmaj7 Cmaj7
Abmaj7 Dbmaj7 Abmaj7 Cmaj7

Verse 2:
Gmaj7    Abmaj7 Dbmaj7   Cmaj7
Don't let no one, no one get you down...
      Abmaj7   Dbmaj7   Cmaj7
Cuz if they do, if they do I'll be around...
     Abmaj7    Dbmaj7 Abmaj7 Cmaj7
I want to see, you round me All the time
       Abmaj7     Dbmaj7      Cmaj7
I want you to know that I am yours And you are mines...

Abmaj7 Dbmaj7    Cmaj7
Let  nobody get you down...
Abmaj7 Dbmaj7    Cmaj7
Let  nobody get you down...
Abmaj7 Dbmaj7    Cmaj7
Let  nobody get you down...
Abmaj7 Dbmaj7    Cmaj7
Let  nobody get you down...
Abmaj7 Dbmaj7    Cmaj7
Let  nobody get you down...
Abmaj7 Dbmaj7    Cmaj7
Let  nobody get you down...(you keep me happy all the time)
Abmaj7 Dbmaj7    Cmaj7
Let  nobody get you down... (you keep me happy happy all the time)
Abmaj7 Dbmaj7    Cmaj7
Let  nobody get you down... (you you you you you you you you)

Don't Let No One Get You Down chords

WAR chords for Dont let no one get you down

What Is This?

Dont Let No One Get You Down by WAR guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Dont Let No One Get You Down" by WAR! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Dont Let No One Get You Down" by WAR with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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