BETTER OFF WITHOUT A WIFE (Tom Waits) ======================== -- comp. Tom Waits (from _Nighthawks_at_the_Diner_) -- "transcr." tcg [recently divorced!], 198? -- 4/4 // Key of G // Andante (pretty slow) -- each chord symbol OR slash = 1 beat "Odd" Voicings-- D7sus4 D7sus4/G C/G D7/F# xxo___ __o___ ______ __o___ 1 ||||1| 1 ||||1| 1 ||||1| 1 ||||1| |||2|| |||2|| ||2||| 2x|3|4 |||||3 3x|||4 3x|||4 ||||||
INTRO: 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | G / D7sus4/G / | G / D7sus4/G / | G D7/F# Em(7) / | Am(7) / D(7) / VERSE 1: G / D7sus4 / All ... G / D7sus4 / Ev'ry ... G D7/F# Em(7) / Am(7) / D(7) / It ... G / D7sus4 / Here's ... G / D7sus4 / Those .. G Em Am(7) D(7) G C/G G / Better .. CHORUS: C / D(7) / I been ... G D7/F# Em / Midnight .. Am(7) / D(7) / Goin' .. G / G7 / Comin' .. C / D(7) / Don't .. G D7/F# Em / If ... Am(7) / / / D7sus4 / D7 / Never .. VERSE 2 [!!]: G / D7sus4 / Well, .. G / D7sus4 / But .. G D7/F# Em(7) / Am(7) / D(7) / Left .. G / D7sus4 / He was .. G / D7sus4 / Said .. G Em Am(7) D(7) G C/G G / You ... CHORUS VERSE 3: [_underlined_phrases_are_spoken_, ad-lib style] G / D7sus4 / G / D7sus4 / _Ah,_.. G D7/F# Em(7) / Am(7) / Now .. D(7) / _hardly_.. G / D7sus4 / Love .. G / D7sus4 / I been .. G Em Am(7) D(7) G C/G G / I'm ... CHORUS [...recording ends (& begins) with some "Here Comes the Bride" piano!] | --:--tcg )