Transcribed by Chris Flatley Verse pattern: Bm Em A7 D e|----------------|--5---5---------| B|--3---3---8-----|--5---5---7-----| G|--4---4---9-----|--6---6---7-----| D|--4---4---9-----|--5---5---7-----| A|2-------7-------|----7---5-------| E|----2-------7-6-|5-----------5-4-| G7 F#7 Bm e|--3---3---2---2-|--2---2---------| B|--3---3---2---2-|--2---2---3---3-| G|--4---4---3---3-|--3---3---4---4-| D|--3---3---2---2-|--2---2---4---4-| A|----5---4-------|----4---2-------| E|3-----------2---|2-----------2---|
Chorus pattern: G D A7 D e|--3---3---------|--5---5---------| B|--3---3---7---7-|--5---5---7-----| G|--4---4---7---7-|--6---6---7-----| D|--5---5---7---7-|--5---5---7-----| A|----5---5-------|----7---5-------| E|3-----------5---|5-----------5-4-| G D A7 D D/a A#m e|--3---3---------|--5---5---2-----| B|--3---3---7---7-|--5---5---3--(2)| G|--4---4---7---7-|--6---6---2--(3)| D|--5---5---7---7-|--5---5-0----(3)| A|----5---5-------|----7-------0-1-| E|3-----------5---|5---------------| Verse: Bm Em I fell into the ocean A7 D And you became my wife G7 F#7 I risked it all against the sea Bm To have a better life Em A7 Marie you are the wild blue sky D Men do foolish things G7 F#7 You turn kings into beggars Bm And beggars into kings Chorus: G D Pretend that you owe me nothing A7 D And all the world is green G D We can bring back the old days again A7 D D/a A#m When all the world is green Solo: NOTE: The song changes key to C minor for the solo. The D/a and A#m that lead you back into the verse from the chorus are replaced with G7 to lead you into C minor. The solo sequence is played exactly the same as the verse except that everything is moved up 1 fret. Stay in C minor for the final verse.
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for All The World Is Green by Tom Waits