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Even Then by Micah Tyler

Even Then chords by Micah Tyler

Guitar chords with lyrics

  • Capo on 4th

Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

Key: B

Difficulty: Novice

Verse 1:
On the nights when the dark last a little bit longer
 Em                C
When the wind and the storm is a little bit stronger
When the fear in my heart dips a little bit deeper
 Em               C
When my faith to stand gets a little bit weaker
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Where could I run to?
Where could I go?

 Em             C
Even when it feels like my world is shaken
 G             D
Even when I've had all that I can take
I know
 C        G  D
You never let me go oh
Em            C
And even when the waters won't stop rising
 G              D
Even when I'm caught in the dead of a night
I know
C         D
No matter how it ends
You're with me even then

Verse 2:
When the days up ahead look a little bit brighter
Em          D            C
But the grip of the past holds a little bit tighter
I'm reminded Your grace never asks for perfection
Em                  D     C
Oh I'm restored 'cause I'm Yours and I stand forgiven

Em              C
Even when it feels like my world is shaken
 G             D
Even when I've had all that I can take
I know
   C    G D
You never let me go
 Em            C
And even when the waters won't stop rising
 G              D
Even when I'm caught in the dead of a night
I know
C         D
No matter how it ends
You're with me even then

Am               G
And even in the middle of a struggle
And even when it's hard to remember
   G       D
You alone are my defense when
I'm standing on Your promises and I know
 Am               G
That even in the thick of the battle
And even through the valley of the shadows
 G            D
You alone are my defense when
I'm standing on Your promises

Where could I run to?
Where could I go?

Em              C
Even when it feels like my world is shaken
 G             D
Even when I've had all that I can take
I know
   C   G   D
You never let me go
 Em            C
And even when the waters won't stop rising
 G              D
Even when I'm caught in the dead of a night
I know
C         D
No matter how it ends
You're with me even then...

 G       D
You're with me, yeah
No matter how it ends
 C          G
You're with me even then

Even Then chords

Micah Tyler chords for Even then

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Even Then by Micah Tyler guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Even Then" by Micah Tyler! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Even Then" by Micah Tyler with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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