Title: Bobcaygeon Artist: The Tragically Hip Album: Phantom Power Tabbed by: Chris Dickson E-mail: nocturne81@hotmail.com Tuning: Open G (low to high) D G D G B D All the tabs out there for this song have the correct chord progression, however none of are in the tuning that the song is actually played in. I learned this from a friend had the sheet music and this is my interpretation of it. There's much more to it than have here, but this is the idea. Please, feel free to add to this. Chords Used:
d--0----0---0---0-------4----| b--3----3---0---1---0---3----| G--4----0---0---0---0---2----| D--4----5---0---2---2---0----| G--4----5---0---2---4--------| D-------------------2--------| Bm C G Am Em D For the Em, I play the bass note with my thumb. If you can't play with your thumb, the low D up to G to play it like this: d--- b-0- G-0- D-2- G-4- G-4- Intro d--0-0-0--0-0-------0--0---0-0---0----| b--1-1-1--0-0-1p0---1--1---1-1h3-3----| G--0-0-0--0-0-----0-0--0---0-0---0----| D--2-2-2--0-0-------2--2---2----------| G---------0-0-------2--2---2----------| D-------------------------------------| Verse: G Am Chorus: Bm C G Am Bridge: Em C G D Em C D D Outro: Same as verse, but end on Em
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Bobcaygeon by The Tragically Hip