TeethGrinder by Therapy? Transcribed by Jonathan Garvin. Normal Tuning. RIFF A. -------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------| --3-3--3-3-4---3-3--3-3-4---3-3--3-3-4--3-1-4----| -------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------|
RIFF B. -------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------| --5-5--5-5-6---5-5--5-5-6---5-5--5-5-6--5-3-6----| TEETHGRINDER. Lots of muted strings to start with. A (Trem) Riff A X8 Riff B X4 Verse Riff A X4 Chorus Riff B X4 Verse Riff A X4 Chorus BASS PART B B A C A# | B B A C A# |_ X4 B B A C A# | B B A C D | DRUM PART with more muted strings (Hand over pick-up) Riff A X8 A A A A A A A A A A A A G X8 Jonathan Garvin. If anyone could send me the lyrics to Teethgrinder, I be very appreciative.