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A Clean Break by Talking Heads

A Clean Break tab by Talking Heads

Guitar tabs

A Clean Break

Intro/Verse Chords:
(These chords are repeated continuosly for most of the song)

 Em C  B7(probably not the right name for this chord)
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -

Bridge Chords:

 Am Gm D  C  F

Intro lead:

 Em               C        B7


Em        C     B7
Just beginning to take that love away
Em        C     B7
Just beginning to take that love away
Em        C     B7 Em  C  B7   Em  C B7
In a minute I'll wash that love awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Em        C     B7
Even now we remember what we used to say
Em        C     B7
Takes a minute to wash that love away
Em        C     B7   Em  C  B7  Em  C B7
Take a clean break: wash that love awaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Em        C     B7
Even now we remember what we used to say
Em        C     B7
Even now we remember what we used to say
Em        C     B7     Em C B7 Em  C B7
We'll be together if we wash that love awaaaaaaaaaay


Am         Gm Am
What's tha matter ?
Am         Gm Am
Have to clean up ?
 That's true
 That's true
Am         Gm Am
And it's taken
Am         Gm Am
To extreme extent
 That's why we
 Work so hard to
Take that love away
Take that love away
Take that love away
Take that love away

----------------------slowly bend a whole step---------------------|



This song is so excellent. I cant believe that Ive never been able to find an accurate
of it

A Clean Break tab

Talking Heads tabs for A clean break

What Is This?

A Clean Break by Talking Heads guitar tabs playing instructions.

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Welcome to the guitar tabs guide for "A Clean Break" by Talking Heads! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our guitar tabs.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "A Clean Break" by Talking Heads with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of guitar tabs are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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