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Good Thing Going by Sugar Minott

Good Thing Going chords by Sugar Minott

Guitar chords with lyrics


Ooh.. see that girl,
            Em7    A7   Em7    A7
She does something to my chemistry.
Em7     A7
And when I'm close I'm sure,
 Em7     A7     D   Dmaj7
She raise my temperature by three degrees.


D Dmaj7
Every day everyday,
  D   Dmaj7     Em   A7    Em7      A7
In every way she makes my motor purr.
Em7    A7     Em7    A7       D
And I reciprocate my life I dedicate to loving her.
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        D      Dmaj7
AFor we've got a good thing goin',
   D     Dmaj7    Em     A7   Em7    A7
eal good thing goin', yes, that girl and me.

Em7         A7
nd I don't have to ask,

Em7          A7  D
 know that it's gonna last, eternally.

Dmaj7                Em7
nderstanding whenever handling any alibis.

A7      Em7
or you know what you do,

 A7       Em7
here you've been,

A7      Em7      Dmaj7
o what's the use in telling lies?

or we've got a good thing goin',

               Em7      A7   Em7     A7
 real good thing goin', yes, that girl and me.

 Em7           A7
've got it good, so let's get it on,

 Em7    A7      Dmaj7
et's get it on, let's get it on.

or we've got a good thing goin',

               Em7     A7    Em7    A7
 real good thing goin', yes, that girl and me.

 Em7       A7
nd I don't have to ask,

Em7          A7   Dmaj7
 know that it's gonna last, eternally.

 Dmaj7       Em7
e've got.. we've got a good,

 A7      Em7
e've got a good,

A7    Em7  Dmaj7
o let's get it on.

o we've got a good thing goin',

               Em7     A7     Em7      A7
 real good thing goin', yes, that girl and me.

 Em7        A7
nd I don't have to ask,

 Em7         A7    Dmaj7
 know that it's gonna last, eternally.

or we've got a good thing goin',

               Em7      A7   Em7    A7   Dmaj7
 real good thing goin', yes, that girl and me..

Good Thing Going chords

Sugar Minott chords for Good thing going

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Good Thing Going by Sugar Minott guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Good Thing Going" by Sugar Minott! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Good Thing Going" by Sugar Minott with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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