I Wanna Be Adored The Stone Roses The Stone Roses (1990) One of the greatest indie tunes of all time. This is just a real easy version of to play acoustically as the proper version is mainly composed of lead guitar playing. Work out rhythm and strum pattern by listening to the tune. Get this right and it will great. Chords G 320033 D xx0232 Em 022000 C x32010
Intro – G, D, G, D Em, Em (Repeat twice) Verse 1 – G, D, G, D, Em (Repeat twice) Chorus 1 – G, D, G, D, Em (Repeat twice) Verse 2 – Same as Verse 1 Chorus 2 – Same as Chorus 1 Instrumental – D, C, D, C, D, C, C, D, D Chorus 3 – Same as Chorus 1 Outro – Same as Verse 1 (Play when Ian sings ‘you adore me’ and ‘I wanna, I wannna, I be adored,’ then play same sequence at end)
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for I Wanna Be Adored by The Stone Roses