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Tougher Than The Rest by Bruce Springsteen

Tougher Than The Rest chords by Bruce Springsteen

Guitar chords with lyrics

Bruce Springsteen - Tougher Than the Rest

[G]____ [C]_[D]____[C]__[G]_[D]___

Well it's Saturday [G]night
You're all dressed [C]up in [D]blue
I been watching you a[C]while
Maybe you been [G]watching me [D]too
So somebody ran [G]out
Left somebody's [C]heart in a [D]mess
Well if you're looking for [C]love
Honey I'[G]m tougher [D]than the [G]rest

Some girls they want a handsome Dan
Or some [C]good-lookin' [D]Joe,
Well there are some [C]girls like a sweet-talkin' [G]Rome[D]o
Well 'round here [G]baby
I learned you [C]get what you can [D]get
So if you're rough enough for [C]love
Honey I'[G]m tougher [D]than the [G]rest
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The road is [Em]dark [C]
And it's a thin thin [G]line
But I want you to [C]know I'll walk it for you [D]any [G]time
Maybe your other [Em]boyfriends [C]
Couldn't pass the [G]test
Well if you're rough and ready for [C]love
Honey I'[G]m tougher [D]than the [G]rest

[G]____ [C]_[D]____[C]__[G]_[D]___
[G]____ [C]_[D]____[C]__[G]_[D]_[G]__

Well it ain't no secret
I've been around a [C]time or [D]two
Well I don't know [C]baby maybe you've [G]been around [D]too
Well there's another [G]dance
All you gotta [C]do is say [D]yes
And if you're rough and ready for [C]love
Honey I'[G]m tougher [D]than the [G]rest
If you're rough enough for [C]love
Baby I'[G]m tougher [D]than the [G]rest


Tougher Than The Rest chords

Bruce Springsteen chords for Tougher than the rest

What Is This?

Tougher Than The Rest by Bruce Springsteen guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Tougher Than The Rest" by Bruce Springsteen! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Tougher Than The Rest" by Bruce Springsteen with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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