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Doe: A Deer by Sound Of Music

Doe: A Deer chords by Sound Of Music

Guitar chords with lyrics

Doe, a deer, a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun
Me, a name I call myself
Far, a long, long way to run
C            F
Sew, a needle pulling thread
D          G
La, a note to follow Sew
E             Am
Tea, a drink with jam and bread
F     G        C
That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh)
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C   F   C   G
So Do La Fa Mi Do Re

Can you do that?
C   F   C   G
So Do La Fa Mi Do Re
So Do La Ti Do Re Do
C   F G C G C
So Do La Ti Do Re Do
Now, put it all together.

[Maria and Children]
C   F   C   G  C   F G C G C
So Do La Fa Mi Do Re, So Do La Ti Do Re Do

But it doesn’t mean anything.
So we put in words. One word for every note. Like this.
When you know the notes to sing
You can sing most anything

[Maria and Children]
C    F    G     C
When you know the notes to sing
C    F     C G  C
You can sing most anything

Doe, a deer, a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun
Me, a name I call myself
Far, a long, long way to run
C            F
Sew, a needle pulling thread
D          G
La, a note to follow Sew
E             Am
Tea, a drink with jam and bread
F     G        C
That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh)

Do Mi Mi
Mi So So
Re Fa Fa
La Ti Ti

C    F    G     C
When you know the notes to sing
C    F     C G  C
You can sing most anything

[Maria and Children]
Doe, a deer, a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun
Me, a name I call myself
Far, a long, long way to run
C            F
Sew, a needle pulling thread
D          G
La, a note to follow Sew
E             Am
Tea, a drink with jam and bread
F     G
That will bring us back to

Do . . . So Do
Re . . . La Fa
Mi . . . Mi Do
Fa . . . Re
So . . . So Do
La . . . La Fa
Ti . . . La So Fa Mi Re

Doe: A Deer chords

Sound Of Music chords for Doe: a deer

What Is This?

Doe: A Deer by Sound Of Music guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the chords guide for "Doe: A Deer" by Sound Of Music! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Doe: A Deer" by Sound Of Music with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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