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You Make Me Feel So Young by Frank Sinatra

You Make Me Feel So Young chords by Frank Sinatra

Guitar chords with lyrics

  • Capo on 1st

Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

Key: G

Difficulty: Advanced


|G  Abdim  |Am7  D7  |

|G  Abdim  |Am7  D7  |


G       Abdim   Am7  D7
  You make me feel so young
Bm7     Bbdim   Am7     D7
You make me feel so spring has sprung
G      B7   Cmaj7
 And every time I see you grin
   Bm7  Em7  D7
I'm such a happy   individual
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -


G       Abdim    Am7  D7
  The moment that you speak
Bm7     Bbdim  F/A   D7
  I wanna go play hide-and-seek
 G     B7   Cmaj7
  I wanna go and bounce the moon
   Bm7  Em7   D7
Just like a toy balloon


 G    Gdim  F/G  G         Gdim   F/G  G
  You   and I    are just like a couple of tots
Cdim/G       C/G
Running across the meadow
Picking up lots of forget-me-nots


G       Abdim  Am7  D7
  You make me feel so young
Bm7       Bbdim     Am7    D7
  You make me feel there are songs to be sung
G       G7/F    C/E    Eb6     Bm7  E7-5
 Bells to be rung and a wonderful fling to be flung

              Am7   Am7/D
And even when I'm old and gray
             Gmaj7 G/F  E7
I'm gonna feel the way I do     today
   Am7     Am7/D  Ab7-5
Cause you make me feel      so

|G     |Eb7  A7-5 |

 Ab   Adim     Bbm7    Eb7
   You make me feel so young
Abmaj7      Adim  Bbm7    Eb7
   You make me feel so spring has sprung
Abmaj7      C7  Dbmaj7     Db6 Cm7
   And every time I see you grin
         E7 Eb7
I'm such a happy    individual

Eb/Ab      Abdim     Bbm7 Eb7
   The moment    that you speak
Eb/Ab    G7+5  Gb7-5  Eb7
   I wanna go play hide-and-seek
Eb7 Abmaj7     Gb7-5 Dbmaj7      Db6 Cm7
      I wanna go and bounce the moon
        E7 Eb7
Just like a toy balloon

Ab13   Abdim Adim/Ab  Gb/Ab   Ab9        Gb/Ab  Ab
   You    and    I are  just like a couple of   tots
 A7-9       Db/Ab
Running across the meadow
 Bbm7        Eb7
Picking up lots of forget-me-nots

Ab     Adim    Bbm7   Eb7
  You make me feel so young
Abmaj7    Adim     Bbm7    Eb7
You make me feel there are songs to be sung
   Ab     Ab7/Gb
And bells to be rung
   Dbmaj7  Dbm6     Cm7 F7
And a wonderful fling to be flung

          Bbm7     Bbm7/Eb
And even when I'm old and gray
             Ab  Gb    F7
I'm gonna feel the way I do    today
   Bbm7       Bbm7/Eb A7   Ab   F7
Cause you, you make me feel   so  young
Bbm7    Bbm7/Eb  Abmaj7  F7
You make me feel so  young
Bbm7      Bbm7/Eb    Abmaj7  F7
You make me  feel  so  young
Bbm7       Bbm7/Eb  Ab  individual notes:          Abmaj7
Ooh, you make me feel so young        bb b c db d eb  e f gb g

You Make Me Feel So Young chords

Frank Sinatra chords for You make me feel so young

What Is This?

You Make Me Feel So Young by Frank Sinatra guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "You Make Me Feel So Young" by Frank Sinatra! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "You Make Me Feel So Young" by Frank Sinatra with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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