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Anticipation by Carly Simon

Anticipation chords by Carly Simon

Guitar chords with lyrics

Title:		Anticipation

My guitar is tuned to standard 440 but one fret lower. So my E is Eb etc. It seems to work with
most songs I do and gives me a little more vocal range. I think the guitar sounds better too.
I’ve looked everywhere for this and had to figure it out. My first submission.
I'm not giving every detail as I assume you can play.

Tuning is drop E
Chords used are A
I capo on fourth fret for my vocal range. She’s tuned standard.
Note: With the middle finger hammer on and off of the D chord for the melody line.

D intro repeat twice
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
Chord Shapes

  Em chord

We | can never know about the days to come
But | we think about them anyway, yeah
And I wonder | if I'm really with you now
Or just chasin' after some finer day


Anticipation, anticipation
Is makin' me late
Is keepin' me waitin'

And I tell you| how easy it feels to be with you
And how right | your arms feel around me
But I | I rehearsed those words just late last night
When I was thinkin' about how right tonight might be


And tomorrow | we might not be together
I'm no prophet | Lord I don't know nature's ways
So I'll try | and see into your eyes right now
And stay right here 'cause these are the good old days

These are the good old days
And stay right here 'cause these are the good old days

(D intro thing over these lines)
These are the good old days
These are the good old days
These are the good old days
These are...the good old days

--Listen to it, feel it, be the song.


Anticipation chords

Carly Simon chords for Anticipation

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Anticipation by Carly Simon guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Anticipation" by Carly Simon! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Anticipation" by Carly Simon with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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