Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E) Key: C#m Difficulty: Novice This tab is made from Shiloh Dynasty's Instagram account : https://www.instagram.com/p/BIEuxYqjQQQ/?hl=fr&taken-by=shilohdynasty You have to tune 1/4 step down your guitar to make it sound like the original version For a better result, pinch the strings with your fingertips instead of strumming them. Chords: AM7 C#m9 G#m7 e|--x--|--x--|--x--| B|--5--|--4--|--4--| G|--6--|--4--|--4--| D|--6--|--2--|--4--| A|--x--|--4--|--x--| E|--5--|--x--|--4--|
Chorus: AM7 How did you get here ? C#m9 G#m7 I'm drunk and confused AM7 C#m9 G#m7 I've tried to be patient with you, yeah AM7 C#m9 G#m7 AM7 C#m9 G#m7 Ooh yeah oh, you fuck that up
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Drunk And Confused by Shiloh Dynasty