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Gracie by Shallow Alcove

Gracie chords by Shallow Alcove

Guitar chords with lyrics

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  • Difficulty: Beginner
🎸 Verse 1:
     C      F
Little scared of my apartment
When no one’s ringing the doorbell
      C       F
I’ve been living out of suitcases
It kinda feels like a hotel
    Em      F
Coming home for the weekend
C         G
Still afraid of change
      C       F
Guy at the bar calls me “Gracie”
Cause he knew me in the third grade

🎸 Chorus 1:
And for that
     F      G
I’l let slide his misogynistic tweets
C         F
Just cause in the moment
I thought that it was sweet
      Em     F
That whole crew was a nightmare
       C      G
And we were never really friends
      C       F
But on the night before Thanksgiving
It was nice to hear that name again

🎸 Verse 2:
     C        F
Thumbing through a photo album
See the picture that I love
  C        F
Of me with all my wonder
A mess of curls in a bathtub
   Em        F
Every time that I think of her
C       G
Smiling with teeth
      C      F
A wave of guilt washes over me
For every time I felt ugly

🎸 Chorus 2:
   C         F
I’m driving down the streets
I used to bike or trick or treat
C       F
Every garland I string up
To tie myself to me
     Em        F
And when life’s a tails up penny
   C       G
And all I have are seeds
    C         F
I just plant them for the little girl
Who spent all her time singing

🎸 Outro:
     Am      G
It’s no wonder why I feel washed up
   C    F
When I’m only 23
  Am      G      C   F
If women start depreciating after 17
    Am7         G
When things aren’t living up
      Em          F
To what I always thought they’d be
     Em       F
I won’t break a pinkie promise
C        G
That I made to Gracie

Gracie chords

Shallow Alcove chords for Gracie Gracie by Shallow Alcove guitar playing instructions.

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