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Tell Out My Soul by Sda Hymns

Tell Out My Soul chords by Sda Hymns

Guitar chords with lyrics

  • Difficulty: Intermediate

Key: DIntro:

 D  G/B D A D G    Em A7sus A7 DVerse 1:

A7sus A7   D     G     Asus A  D
 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of  the Lord
  Bm D  A D         G Em  F#
 Unnumbered blessings  give my  spirit voice
      B   Em   Em D  A/C#
 Tender to me the promise of His word
  D  G/B D A  D   G Em A7sus A7 D
 In God my Savior shall my heart   rejoice
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Verse 2:

A7sus A7   D     G     Asus A  D
 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of  His name
   Bm  D  A   D         G  Em  F#
 Make known His might, the  deeds His arm has done
      B     Em   Em D  A/C#
 His mercy sure, from age to age the same
   D G/B D  A  D   G  Em A7sus A7 D
 His holy name the Lord, the Mighty   One

✝ Verse 3:

A7sus A7   D     G     Asus A  D
 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of  His might
    Bm D A  D        G  Em F#
 Pow'rs and dominions  lay their glo--ry by
         B    Em    Em D   A/C#
 Proud hearts and stubborn wills are put to flight
   D G/B D  A  D   G Em A7sus A7 D
 The hungry fed, the humble lift-------ed high

✝ Verse 4:

A7sus A7   D     G    Asus A  D
 Tell out, my soul, the glories of  His word
   Bm D  A D        G  Em F#
 Firm is His promise
and His mer--cy sure
       B     Em    Em D  A/C#
 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord
  D  G/B  D  A  D  G Em A7sus A7 D
 To children's children and forev--------ermore

Tell Out My Soul chords

Sda Hymns chords for Tell out my soul

What Is This?

Tell Out My Soul by Sda Hymns guitar chords playing instructions.

Who Is This Page For?

Welcome to the guide for intermediate guitarists looking to master the song Tell Out My Soul by Sda Hymns. This page is specifically designed for musicians who have moved beyond the basics and are ready to challenge themselves with learing to play this song using our chords.

Why This Page Is Perfect for You?

As an intermediate guitarist, you've already built a solid foundation of skills and are ready to elevate your playing to the advanced level.

What You Will Gain

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Tell Out My Soul" by Sda Hymns with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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