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Send Me An Angel by Scorpions

Send Me An Angel tab by Scorpions

Guitar tabs

From ph_dc61@ingprog.material.uu.se Thu May 8 10:12:49 1997

Uppsala 07:24 1997-01-10



INTRO (and verses):

Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -

(the actual timing I know nothing about (goes for the whole
tab). listen to the record to get the hang of it (Oh,where
did I see that quote before:-)))

CHORUS (and outro):
(Powerchords used in the 2nd & 3rd chorus)

 F5 (x,8,10,10,x,x)      Eb5 (x688xx)

 C5 (x355xx) (x466xx)-->C#5     Eb5 (x688xx)

 F5              Eb5

 C5           C#5     Eb5

When the last note (marked "*") is played the verse riff starts over
again (witch means you'll have to have a friend tooling along on a
second guitar, or, if you live nearby a neuclear plant, you might
be able to play two guitars at once :-).) In the outro, just skip the
marked (*) note and start from the top.

SOLO (can you tab it better? U know where to find me...) :




Chords and Tab above the lyrics for another
guitar [say Guitar II :-)]


The wise man said: "....
            Eb5 (Fretting, low to high: x688xx)
To the dawn of the .....
Hear this voice from .....
Close your eyes and you ....

Here I am      will you send ....
     (here I am)            G----------/10---
Here I am      in the .....
     (here I am)

The wise man said: "Just ....
In the eye of ....
              F5 (x,8,10,10,x,x)
Seek the roses ....

(Powerchords above "chorus"-Tab played by Guitar II)
(Guitar I as in 1st chorus)

Here I am      will you ....
     (here I am)               (solo starting here)
Here I am      in the land of the .....
     (here I am)


The wise man said: ".....
               G---8--6--3(1/4 bend)--6--8--
Find the door to the .....
The way out of ...

(Powerchords above "chorus"-Tab played by Guitar II)
(Guitar I as in 1st chorus)

Here I am      will you ...
     (here I am)
Here I am      in the land of ....
     (here I am)

(sorry, have to figure that one out for yourself.
There's no such thing as a free lunch... :-).)
(perhaps I'll have a go at it later if noone else
helps me out)

(Any mistakes?, are the lyrics off?(They aren't really
mine anyway), Ooops! Let me know and I'll see what I
can do :-))

Does it look a bit blurry? Figure it out for yourself,
it's not really that hard. No guarantee for the accuracy.


    ...Be Quick Or Be Dead! (Iron Maiden)

Send Me An Angel tab

Scorpions tabs for Send me an angel

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Send Me An Angel by Scorpions guitar tabs playing instructions.

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Welcome to the guitar tabs guide for "Send Me An Angel" by Scorpions! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our guitar tabs.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Send Me An Angel" by Scorpions with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of guitar tabs are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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