Rush: "Something For Nothing" Bass Tab ======================================= Transcribed by: Mario D'Alessio h q e e Q q e q h e e e e Q q e q 4 h e e e e h e e q +------------+---------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+ |*4:---7-----|---------|---2-------|---------*|---2-------|---------| |*4:-----5-6-|-7-5-5---|-----2-----|---3-2---*|-----2-----|---------| +----5-------+-------5-+-0-----0-2-+-3-----3--+-0-----0-2-+-3-3-2-3-+ e e e e e e e e e e e e e q h e e e e h e e q e e e e e e e e +-----------------+-------------+-----------+---------+-----------------+ |-----R---R---R---|-R---R-----R-|---2-------|---------|-----R---R---R---| |-----------5-----|---5---------|-----2-----|---------|-----------5-----| +-5-5---5-------5-+-------5-5---+-0-----0-2-+-3-3-2-3-+-5-5---5-------5-+
e e e e e q q e q e q q e q e e e q e q e e e e e e e e e e e +---------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+-----------------+ |-R---R-----7/X-|---7---7---|-------------|-----2-------|-----------------| |---5-----------|-----------|-3-3-5-5-3---|---2---2---5-|-5-3-3-----3-3---| +-------5-5-----+-5---5---5-+-----------5-+-0-------0---+-------3-3-----5-+ q e q e q q e q e e e q e q e e e e e e e e e e e Q e e e e e +-----------+-------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+ |---7---7---|-------------|-----2-------|-----------------|-----2-------| |-----------|-3-3-5-5-3---|---2---2---5-|-5-3-3-----3-3---|-------2-----| +-5---5---5-+-----------5-+-0-------0---+-------3-3-----0-+-0-0-----0-2-+ Q e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e q Q e e e e e Q e e e e e +-------------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ |-------------|-----R---R---R---|-R---R-----7-|-----2-------|-------------| |-------------|-----------5-----|---5---------|-------2-----|-------------| +-3-3-3-2-3-4-+-5-5---5-------5-+-------5-5---+-0-0-----0-2-+-3-3-3-2-3-4-+ e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e q q q q q e e +-----------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+-----------+ |-----R---R---R---|-R---R-----R-|-----R---R---R---|-R---R-------|-7-5-------| |-----------5-----|---5---------|-----------5-----|---5-------7-|-----5-0-2-| +-5-5---5-------5-+-------5-5---+-5-5---5-------5-+-------5-5---+-----------+ e e e q e q q q q e e e e e Q q q q h e q q e e e +e e e e e e e e +-------------+-----------+-----------+-------+-------------+--------------2-0-+ |-------------|-7-5-------|---------7-|-7-5---|---R-------5-|----4-2-----0-----| |-3-2-0-2---0-|-----5-0-2-|-3-2---0---|-----5-|-------2-5---|--------2-3-------| +---------3---+-----------+-----3-----+-------+-5---3-------+------------------+ w +w w +w w Q h+e w Q h e w q^q^q q q q e q e e e +-2-+----+---+----+---+-------+---+-------+---+-----------+-------------+ |---|----|---|----|---|-------|---|-------|---|-----------|---7---7-----| |---|----|---|----|---|-------|---|-7-5---|---|-----------|---------5-6-| +---+----+-5-+----+-0-+-3-5---+-5-+-----0-+-0-+-3-3-3-5-0-+-5---5-------+ q e q e q q e q e e e e e e e e e e e q e q e e e q e q e q +-----------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+-----------+ |-----------|-------------|-----------------|---7---7-----|-----------| |-7-7-5-5-7-|---7---------|-------3-2-3-2---|---------5-6-|-7-7-5-5-7-| +-----------+-0---0-0-0-2-+-3-2-3---------3-+-5---5-------+-----------+ q e q e e e e e e e h Q e e e e e Q e e e e e e e e e e e e e +-------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+-----------------+ |-------------|-----------|-----2-------|-------------|-----R---R---R---| |---7---------|-----------|-------2-----|-------------|-----------5-----| +-0---0-0-0-2-+-3-2-3-4-5-+-0-0-----0-2-+-3-3-3-2-3-4-+-5-5---5-------5-+ e e e e e q Q e e e e e Q e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e +-------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+ |-R---R-----7-|-----2-------|-------------|-----R---R---R---|-R---R-----R-| |---5---------|-------2-----|-------------|-----------5-----|---5---------| +-------5-5---+-0-0-----0-2-+-3-3-3-2-3-4-+-5-5---5-------5-+-------5-5---+ e e e e e e e e e e e e q q +-----------------+-------------+ |-----R---R---R---|-R---R-------| |-----------5-----|---5-------7-| +-5-5---5-------5-+-------5-5---+ ========================================================================== Created using the Bass Tab Creator __ by Mario D'Alessio (motcid!marble!dalessio) +|oo|+ +|oo|+ Notes: w = Whole h = Half q = Quarter || e = 8th s = 16th t = 32nd x = 64th || || Capital durations are dotted notes || (equal to 1.5 times the duration value) || || # || +----+ +----+ _ || _ |*--*+ = MEASURE |4:--| = TIME \\_||_// |*--*+ REPEATS |4:--| SIGNATURES | [] | +----+ (#=Num Repeats) +----+ | || | / [] \ + = TIE ^ = TRIPLET > = BEND \______/ H = HAMMER ON \ = SLIDE TO FRET R = Rest P = PULL OFF \X = SLIDE TO NOWHERE ~ = Trill ========================================================================== For corrections or questions on the tabs, contact the author. If no e-mail address is included, contact Frank for guitar tabs or Mario for bass tabs, addresses below. For remarks, suggestions or additions on the tab 'archive', contact: Frank (guitar) or Mario (bass) ( (motcid!marble! HAPPY PLAYING!!