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Finding My Way by Rush

Finding My Way tab by Rush

Guitar tabs

"FINDING MY WAY" guitar tabs

transcribed by George Grinch (csc8mnp@cabell.vcu.edu)


 [repeat four times]
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -



----------2-2----2----2--0-0--| repeat intro 3 times then
----------2-2----2----2--0-0--| verse and chorus once each


 [repeat two times]     [repeat two times]







interlude        gtr1
 [repeat 4 times]  | gtr2             |
           [repeat 2 times]

--5-7_8-5-7-5--| repeat chorus twice between bridge and solo; solo
--5-7-8-5-7-5--| is played over verse; after interlude, play chorus
---------------| two times, then the intro three times

ending verse

In the intro section, though this is not notated, Alex often plays the A chord
with a quick upstroke before the beat followed by a downstroke on the beat. The
open string notes in the intro are all played with downstrokes.


| - A pair of these indicate a part of music, not the usuals bars.
: - Indicates that a part is to be repeated. This may be ommited,
you should

   hear it too.
_ - Indicates a hammer-on or pull-off (You should know which is
> - Indicates a bend-up or down or a slide. With a bend, the note to
bend to
   is between '(' and ')'. Use the whammy for a downbend. With a
slide, the
   follow-up note is the one to be slid to.
! - Indicates vibrato.
^ - Indicates a tapped harmonic. Is printed below the note.
. - Under the strings, it indicates the note is staccato (short).
\ - Indicates a general slide downwards from note, to no note in
AH - Indicates adding artificial harmonic with pick hand.
< - Indicates a downslide. Is only present here after an upslide
= - Indicates a held note. May also be a held bent. Used to give
some feel

   for length when needed.

For corrections or questions on the tabs, contact the author. If no e-mail

address is included, contact Frank or Mario, addresses below. Contact Frank
for guitar tabs, and Mario for bass tabs.

For remarks, suggestions or additions on the tab 'archive', contact:

Frank (guitar)       or   Mario (bass)


Finding My Way tab

Rush tabs for Finding my way

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Finding My Way by Rush guitar tabs playing instructions.

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Welcome to the guitar tabs guide for "Finding My Way" by Rush! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our guitar tabs.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Finding My Way" by Rush with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of guitar tabs are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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