(M. Jagger/K. Richards) "This isn't a hard song to learn. Just strum the strings regular and you should be allset. Email me with any comments or questions at evh82@yahoo.com I don't know if this is exact but it will do. Just play around with it and have fun"- Ryan -------------------- A Oh help me, please doctor, I'm damaged Am There's a pain where there once was a heart A It's sleepin, it's a beatin' G Can't ya please tear it out, and preserve it A
Right there in that jar? A Oh help me, please mama, I'm sick'ning Am It's today that's the day of the plunge A Oh the gal I'm to marry G Is a bow-legged sow A I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge A "Don't ya worry, get dressed," cried my mother Am As she plied me with bourbon so sour A Pull your socks up, put your suit on G Comb your long hair down, A For you will be wed in the hour A So help me, please doctor, I'm damaged Am There's a pain where there once was a heart A I'm sleepin, it's a beatin' G Can't ya please take it out, and preserve it A Right there in that jar? Yup! ("D" Over Solo) A Oh help me, please doctor, I'm damaged Am There's a pain where there once was a heart A It's sleepin, it's a beatin' G Can't ya please tear it out, and preserve it A Right there in that jar? A I was tremblin', as I put on my jacket Am It had creases as sharp as a knife A I put the ring in my pocket G But there was a note A And my heart it jumped into my mouth A It read, "Darlin', I'm sorry to hurt you. Am But I have no courage to speak to your face. G But I'm down in Virginia with your cousin Lou A There be no wedding today." A So help me, please doctor, I'm damaged Am You can put back my heart in its hole A Oh mama, I'm cryin' G Tears of relief A
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Dear Doctor by The Rolling Stones