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Take It On The Run by REO Speedwagon

Take It On The Run chords by REO Speedwagon

Guitar chords with lyrics

Take It On The Run
REO Speedwagon
Hi Infidelity
Transcribed by: Steven P.

G    320003
C    x32010
D    xx0232
Cadd9  x32030
Dsus4  xx0233
Gadd9  320005
G*   3xxxxx
F#*   2xxxxx
Em   022000
Am   x02210
Bm   x24432
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
D                 Cadd9   G   Dsus4 D
Heard it from another you've been messin a - round

Verse 1
They say you've got a boyfriend
You're out late every weekend
D                       G
They're talkin' about you and it's bringin' me down

Verse 2
But I know the neighborhood
And talk is cheap when the story is good
D                   G   Gadd9 G
And the tales grow taller on down the line

Verse 3
But I'm telling you, babe
That I don't think it's true, babe
D               G   G* F#*
And even if it is keep this in mind

Chorus 1
You take it on the run, baby
If that's the way you want it, baby
D             G   G* F#*
Then I don't want you a - round
I don't believe it
Not for a minute
Am                     D  Dsus4 D
You're under the gun so you take it on the run

Verse 4
You're thinking up your white lies
You're putting on your bedroom eyes
D                      G   Gadd9 G
You say you're coming home but you won't say when

But I can feel it comin'
If you leave tonight keep runnin'
D                G   G* F#*
And you need never look back a - gain

Chorus 1


Em C Am C Bm D (repeat)

Chorus 2
You take it on the run, baby
If that's the way you want it, baby
D             G   G* F#*
Then I don't want you a - round
I don't believe it
Not for a minute
Am                     D
You're under the gun so you take it on the run

Chorus 1

Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
D                 Cadd9    G
Heard it from another you've been messin' a - round

Take It On The Run chords

REO Speedwagon chords for Take it on the run

What Is This?

Take It On The Run by REO Speedwagon guitar chords playing instructions.

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Welcome to the chords guide for "Take It On The Run" by REO Speedwagon! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our chords.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "Take It On The Run" by REO Speedwagon with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of chords are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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