Bass tab for Wicked Child by Radiohead on the Com Lag EP it starts of with the bass going along with the guitar; Fig1 G-------------------------------------- D--------------10--8------------------- A-------10-8---------10---------------- E-3------------------------------------ Thats the first time threw the second veriation is; Fig2 G-------------------------------------- D---------------10--------------------- A------10-8--------10------------------ E-3----------8------------------------- And the third variation of this is; Fig3 Fig4 G-----------------------|---------------------| D-----------------------|---------10--8-------| A------10-8-------------|--8--10---------10---| E-3----------8-6--3-----|---------------------|
after the third time threw of the riff it goes in to Fig 4. It stays like that for most of the song then it changes slightly; Fig5 G----------------------------------------- D----------------------------------------- A----------------------------------------- E-3-3---1-1-----8-6--3-------------------- There is also a bridge which is when Thom starts to "ooo" simply goes like this; Fig6 G----------------------------------------- D----------------------------------------- A----------------------------------------- E-8-8-8--7-6-6-6---5--3------------------- Thats the song pretty much, Colin just adds a few fills around the notes G F Bflat and C. If you want to tell me about any mistakes or whatever then my email adress is