THINKING ABOUT YOU Radiohead Pablo Honey (1993) Some of the tabs here are pretty decent, but I think this one is the most accurate Tuning: Standard (EADGBe) [Chords] G 3x0033 Gsus4 33x033 D/F# 2x0232 / 2x023x Em 022000 Em7 022033 C x32010 Cadd9 x32033 Dadd4/F# 2x0233 Cadd9/G 3x2033 Gmaj7 3x0032 Cmaj7 x32000 Gmaj7/B x20002 Csus2 x30033 G/B x20033
[Intro] G Gsus4 G Gsus4 G Gsus4 G D/F# Em Em7 D/F# G Gsus4 G Gsus4 [Verse 1] G Cadd9 G Been thinking about you, your reco-ords are here G Cadd9/G Dadd4/F# Your eyes are on my wall, your teeth are over there Dadd4/F# Em7 Dadd4/F# G But I'm still no o-one, and you're now a sta-ar G Gmaj7 G What do you care [Verse 2] G Cadd9 G Been thinking about you, and there's no-o rest G Cadd9 Dadd4/F# Shit, I still love you, still see-e you in bed Dadd4/F# Em7 Dadd4/F# G But I'm playing with my-self, and what do you ca-are G When the other men are far, far better [Chorus] C Cmaj7 C All the things you got C Cmaj7 C All the things you need C Cmaj7 C Who bought you cigar-ettes C Gmaj7/B Who bribed the company-y Gmaj7/B Csus2 Csus2 G/B Csus2 G/B To come and see-e you, honey [Verse 3] G Cadd9 G Cadd9 G I've been thinking abou-ut you-u, so how can you-u s- leep G Cadd9 G Cadd9 Dadd4/F# These people aren't your friends, they're paid to kiss your feet Dadd4/F# Em7 Dadd4/F# G But they don't know what I know, and why should you care G Cadd9 G When I'm not there [Solo] (See bottom of page: electric clean guitar plays Fig. 1, acoustic guitar plays corresponding chords) [Verse 4] G Gsus4 G Gsus4 G Been thinking abou-ut you-u, and there's no-o rest G Gsus4 G Cadd9 Dadd4/F# Shit, I still love you, still see-e you in bed Dadd4/F# Em7 Dadd4/F# G But I'm playing with my-self, and wha-at do you ca-are G Cadd9 G When I'm not there [Chorus] C Cmaj7 C All the things you got C Cmaj7 C That you'll never nee-ed C Cmaj7 C All the things you've got C Gmaj7/B I bled and I blee-ed to Csus2 Csus2 G/B Csus2 G/B Please you [Outro] G Been thinking about you -------------- Guitar figures - space between tab notes can be used to indicate note length, chords indicate what is being played by the acoustic guitar () - Note is optional Fig. 1 C Cmaj7 C Cmaj7 C Cmaj7 C Cmaj7 C Cmaj7 C Cmaj7 C Cmaj7 C Cmaj7 e|------8~----------|------8~----------|------8~----------|------8~----------| B|----------8---8---|(8)-------8---8---|(8)-------8---8---|(8)-------(8)-(8)-| G|----9-------9-----|----9-------9-----|----9-------9-----|----9-------(9)---| D|------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| A|------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| E|------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| Gmaj7/B Csus2 Gmaj7/B Csus2 Gmaj7/B Csus2 etc. G e|------7~-----(0)--|-----0-----0-----|-----0-----0-----|-----0-----0-----|---7~-| B|(8)-------8---5---|---5-----5-----5-|---5-----5-----5-|---5-----5---8-0-|--8~--| G|----7-------7-----|-7-----7-----7---|-7-----7-----7---|-7-----7---------|-7~---| D|------------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|------| A|------------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|------|