Radiohead - The Numbers On this song, Colin uses a few different riffs. Listen for timings. It's all 10s not 1s and 0s to clarify. Riff A G|---------------------------------| D|------1010--10---------8---------| A|-------------------10-----10-----| E|-8-------------------------------| Riff B G|---------------------------8-----| D|------1010--10--------8------10--| A|-------------------10---10-------| E|-8-------------------------------|
Riff C G|---------------------------------| D|-----1010----------1010----------| A|---------------------------------| E|-8---------8-----8---------------| Riff D G|------8--------------------------| D|--------10---------1010----------| A|---------------------------------| E|-8---------8-----8---------------| Riff E G|-----------8---------------------| D|---------8-------8--------8-10---| A|------10-----------10-10---------| E|-8-------------------------------| Riff F G|-----------8---------------------| D|---------8--------8----8h10------| A|------10-------------------------| E|-8-------------------------------| Riff G G|-----------8---------------------| D|---------8-------------8h10------| A|------10----------10-------------| E|-8-------------------------------| Those are the riffs, and this is when you play them. You'll notice Colin repeats a cycle of 3. Intro and verse 1 (holds us like a phantom) NO BASS Verse 2 (1:34) A A Open arm channels B A Ready to receive A B Cause we're not at the mercy A A Of your shimmerers and spells B A Your shimmerers and spells Interlude (2:04) A B Mm hmm A A Verse 3 (2:17) B A We are of the earth A B To her we do return A A The future is inside us B A It's not somewhere else A B It's not somewhere else A It's not somewhere else Chorus (one day at a time) NO BASS (2:56) A A B A NO BASS (One day at a time) Verse 4 (3:32) C C Call upon people D C People have power C D The numbers don't decide C C This system is a lie D C A river running dry C D The wings of butterflies Interlude (4:09) C C Verse 5 (4:15) E F And you may pour us away like soup G E Like we're pretty broken flowers F G We'll take back what is ours E We'll take back what is ours Chorus and outro (4:47) NO BASS ************************************ | x Dead note | g Grace note | (n) Ghost note | h Hammer-on | p Pull-off | r Release | > Accented note | t Tapping | b Bend | br Bend release | pb Pre-bend | pbr Pre-bend release | / Slide up | \ Slide down | ~ Vibrato | s Slap | P Pop | PM Palm mute | TR Trill | N Tremolo