its written in piano notes but can be strummed with guitar when i get time I might actually tab it, but for now, here it is --- RADIOHEAD- Spinning Plates -live- (piano tab) Amnesiac transcription by Michael O'Donoghue ( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've broken the keyboard into three sections to let you know what keys exactly to use to make the chords. Use the middle C as a reference.
section 1 Section2 section3 CC#DEbEFF#GAbABbB CC#DEbEFF#GAbABbB CC#DEbEFF#GAbABbB -middle C Besides each note I will put a number so as to let you know where on the piano you hit the key. i.e So A2 would mean hit the A note in section 2. I'm using the sytem above thanks to Gallagher who used it for pyramid song. the patterns in the song are just outlining chords. It always goes left to right. The notes in the first bracket are played by the left hand, the notes in the second, by the right. the right hand is played slower in most of the patterns just listen to the song to figure out the timing. The different versions of the same patterns such as +A+ and +A2+ are usually because thom changes his right hand notes. PATTERS - read notes left-to-right +A+ (A1 - C#2 - E2) (E3 - A3 - E3 - Ab3 - E3) +A2+ (A1 - C#2 - E2) (E3 - Ab3 - E3 - F#3 - E3) +A3+ (A1 - C#2 - E2) (E3 - Ab3 - Ab3) +C#+ (C#2 - E2 - Ab2) (E3 - A3 - E3 - Ab3 - E3) +C#2+ (C#2 - E2 - Ab2) (E3 - Ab3 - Ab3) +Ab+ (Ab1 - C2) (C3 - Eb3 - Ab3) +F#+ (F#1 - Bb1) (Bb2 - C#3 - Ab3) +E+ (E1 - Ab1) (Ab2 - B2 + Ab3) (INTRO) A A2 C# C#2 Ab Ab F# F# E F# E Ab F# A3 Ab F# E Ab F# A3 Ab Ab Ab Ab *\\\\\\ *//////repeat A A2 C# C#2 *\\\\\\ Ab Ab F# F# E F# E Ab F# A3 Ab F# E F# E Ab (THOM COMES IN) F# A3 Ab F# while you make y... E Ab F# A3 I'm.. Ab Ab Ab Ab shreds F# A3 Ab F# you feed to t... E Ab F# A3 a d... Ab Ab Ab Ab A A2 C# C#2 While this .... Ab Ab Ab Ab plates A A2 C# C#2 I'm living in c... Ab Ab Ab Ab land A A2 C# C#2 While this ... Ab Ab Ab Ab plates A A2 C# C#2 our bodies ... Ab Ab Ab Ab river A A2 C# C#2 Ab Ab Ab Abg A A2 C# C#2 Ab Ab F# F# E F# E Ab *I hope I typed it in right *good luck