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My Iron Lung by Radiohead

My Iron Lung tab by Radiohead

Guitar tabs


written by:
jzg1@cornell.edu 4/8/97


	Note: / = slide up

play w/ dual pitch shifter
                  (bend, hold & release)
Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -


                  (bend, hold & release)

                  (bend, hold & release)

If you'd like the rest of the song, there's a good chance I've
got that down by the time you read this - so just e-mail me.
Right now, however, I simply don't have the time...

hope you enjoy it, and I also hope you have a pitch shifter, or
else you just can't play this correctly


This is pretty risky, trying to tabulate "my iron lung," which is one of
Radioheads best songs for that awesome breakdown/chorus. I can almost
guarantee you it should be different, but then again, Radiohead doesn't
really seem like the usual barre chord sort...
Trans. by Ricky Lee (captain_zodiac@hotmail.com)

Both of the previously posted intros work pretty good, depending on what
type of equipment you have. The rest goes something like:


then verse one: (the verses have continual feedback. you'll have to
figure out the tones)

bass plays G       C


verse one riff:
neck mute  v  v  v v v


--intro riff again--

the second verse is exactly like the first except there's a second
guitar now that plays these parts:

verse two:

(don't play the riff that should go here)



--intro again, then (the fun part)--


(this is what I play, it's not perfect, but it's a start. listen to the
album for the rythm. there's a lot of sliding and noise in here. it's
pretty easy to reproduce...play this twice for a chorus)

 (^=1/4 bend)

-x-x--9-8-7-6-5-5-5-4-4-4- repeat, then two bars of intro.

--verse three--


(play the second part of the verse like the second part of the vs.2)

(bridge/chorus again 4x. on third and fourth time, there's a little
solo-type thing. listen to the album to see how it's placed:)

solo 1:
 G G   G G   C C         E E   E E

 G G   G G  C C     E E  E E  E

real bridge (not to be confused with that other thing I'm calling a

I'm getting tired, so I'm not going to draw a bunch of the same chord.
You can figure out the rythm:
   if you're frightened you can be frightened you can be that's ok

then the chorus 4 more times and you're done. The sencond time on the
chorus there is yet another solo, but, in typical Radiohead fashion,
it's not that tough:
('b'=1/2 bend)

 G G     G G     C C              E E

                     (scratch and make noise
     E E               for one more bar.)
----------8__ 10-8--------------------------------------------------

and you're done. I love this song, and when I play it this way it pretty
much rocks. Look on the previous postings for the intro riffs (one is
good if you don't have a tone-thingy--I don't, but the other's probably
more authentic.) If I've missed anything or screwed it up, write me at
captain_zodiac@hotmail.com. Thanks. Ricky.

My Iron Lung tab

Radiohead tabs for My iron lung

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My Iron Lung by Radiohead guitar tabs playing instructions.

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Welcome to the guitar tabs guide for "My Iron Lung" by Radiohead! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our guitar tabs.

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By following this guide, you’ll not only learn to play "My Iron Lung" by Radiohead with confidence but also improve your overall musicianship. Our comprehensive archive of guitar tabs are tailored to boost your skills and inspire your musical journey.

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