Song: MORNING BELL Artist: RADIOHEAD Album: KID A Tab for guitar and chords for keyboard/piano transcribed by Ben Wilkinson ( 5/4 time signature Transcribed from the LIVE version in Arles, France - 13/06/00 I have used INTRO, VERSE, BRIDGE, MIDDLE 8 and END to add a bit of structure, not that it's distinguishable... Thom uses these chords throughout, but he obviously uses secondary and tertiary variations too. The chord changes occur every bar (five beats).
KEY: P - pull off CHORDS USED: Am - A C E Amaj7 - A C# E G# G - G B D D - D F# A Em - E G B Emaj7 - E G# B D# A - A C# E INTRO: Drums - 4 bars Am Amaj7 Am Amaj7 Am Amaj7 G D G D VERSE: Am Amaj7 Am Amaj7 Am Amaj7 G D G D rpt. VERSE TWICE BRIDGE (whammy and scratching guitars enter) Am Amaj7 Am Amaj7 Am Amaj7 Am Amaj7 Am Amaj7 Am Amaj7 Am Amaj7 Am Amaj7 G D G D MIDDLE 8: Em Emaj7 Em Emaj7 Em Emaj7 D A END: Am Amaj7 rpt. over NB: towards the end, a clean guitar plays this twice... (maquiladora-esq) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 e -------0--------0--------0-----------0--------0--------0----- B ----3--------3--------3-----3-----4--------4--------4-----4-- G -5--------5--------5-----------6--------6--------6----------- D ------------------------------------------------------------- A ------------------------------------------------------------- E ------------------------------------------------------------- then... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 e ---------------------------------------- B --P-----P-----P-------P-----P-----P----- G -5-4---5-4---5-4-4---2-1---2-1---2-1-1-- D ---------------------------------------- A ---------------------------------------- E ---------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 (4) (5) e -------------------------------- B --P-----P-----P-------P-----P--- G -5-4---5-4---5-4-4---7-6---7-6-- D ---------------------7-6---7-6-- A -------------------------------- E -------------------------------- B.
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Morning Bell by Radiohead