band: RADIOHEAD album: HIGH & DRY SINGLE song: INDIA RUBBER lyrics from (The Official Unoffical Radiohead Web Page) transcribed by: Nick Mitrousis This song also sounds great as an acoustic act too! Chords: open A Bm E(VII) A F#m(IX) C D
e|--0-------7------7-----5-----9------3-----5-- B|--2-------7------9-----5-----10-----5-----7-- G|--2-------7------9-----6-----11-----5-----7-- D|--2-------9------9-----7-----11-----5-----7-- A|--0-------9------7-----7-----9------3-----5-- E|--0-------7------x-----5-----x------x-----x-- Intro, Verse: Drums, Bass, Guitar effects Bass: G|------------------| D|-----------------o| A|-----------------o| E|--55-55----55-55--| just repeat this line, pretty easy at the beginning of each verse strum open A A Did it all... A Bm E(VII) Tumble like... A F#m(IX) Bm E(VII) C D A A Bm E(VII) A F#m(IX) Bm E(VII) C D C D In your hair.... The bass line continues as he kinda laughs for the rest of the song. If anyone has anything to add, such as the little guitar riffs, or if that F#m is right, or an entirely better way, send them to