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Blurry by Puddle Of Mudd

Blurry tab by Puddle Of Mudd

Guitar tabs

Artist: Puddle of Mudd
 Album: Come Clean
 Song: Blurry

 Tuned 1/2 step down: A = Ab

 This is the correct "harmonic" intro:

 C                D

Accuracy Rating: - Votes: -


 The 5th string bass notes are played normaly and the balance are
harmonics. I suggest playing the harmonics alone to get the pattern down
first. Yep, the C is a stretch but can be done (dude must have some lanky
fingers or wonder if maybe using a short scale guitar.) Referrencing a
second "unplugged" acoustic version of this tune verifies that this is in
fact all 1 part, not overdubbed or tuned funny. If you can't span 4 frets
from 1st finger to pinky *yipe* then leave the bass notes to the bass and
simply play the harmonics. Note there is that "extra" 2nd string harmonic
thrown in immediately following the first C bass pluck, and the Em pattern
changes slightly as shown... those aren't typos.

 Note too that you really need nice new lively bright strings for this to
sound right... if you play it on dull dead strings you'll never carry it.
It's one of the most clever 3 chord tunes around, the balance is pretty

Csus9  Dsus9    Em

 3     5     7
 3     5     8
 5     7     9
 5     7     9
 3     5     7
 Palm Mute.......... pm
 Vibrato............ ~
 Slide up........... /
 Slide down......... \
 ghost note......... () slide to but don't pick the note shown in

Blurry tab

Puddle Of Mudd tabs for Blurry

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Blurry by Puddle Of Mudd guitar tabs playing instructions.

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Welcome to the guitar tabs guide for "Blurry" by Puddle Of Mudd! This page is perfect for musicians of any skill level. Dive in and master your favorite tunes with ease by using our guitar tabs.

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