From uunet!!!csn!yuma!news Thu Sep 17 22:27:47 PDT 1992 Article: 2346 of Newsgroups: Path:!uunet!!!csn!yuma!news Sender: news@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU (News Account) Message-ID: Nntp-Posting-Host: here's an elvis tune i figured out the other night. the song i'd really like to figure out though is "love me". anybody know it??? our band wants to do a thrash version of it but i haven't been able to figure out anything that sounds good yet. steam
Burning Love - Dennis Linde ------------ D G A D lord almighty i feel ... D G A D higher and higher it's burning ... D G A D girl girl girl you're ... D G A D my brain is flaming .... (chorus) Bm A G your kisses .... Bm A G like the sweet ... Bm A G you blind my ... A D with ... ooh ooh ooh i feel my .... (chorus) it's coming closer the flames .... (chorus) i'm a hunka hunka ... (repeat and fade)
Alternative guitar chords and tabs for Burning Love by Elvis Presley